This blog presents shotgun-style 'everybody wins' solutions for humanity's most difficult problems: global warming, mass poverty, 3rd World corruption, societies' pyramidal economic and political structures, crisis-level inflation or deflation, and absence of human instinct-driven ethics (justice by virtue of equality and merit) in corporate income-sharing which perpetuates extreme wealth disparities.
The solutions herein presented are mostly aimed to benefit the 3rd World's six billion or so bottom poor, but all the other classes, including even elites should become beneficiaries as well. The basic strategy is simple: persuade the world's employee and managerial masses to: (a) form mega co-ops that will copy world elites' large-scale business tactics; (b) acquire political power towards build-up of economic and political democracy; (c) enable mega co-ops to set up and operate joint venture corporate groups with 1st World techno companies as partners; (d) channel the world's trillion-dollar green funds towards endless creation of 'clean and green' industries versus global warming; (e) enable bottom and middle class masses to become capitalists enjoying stock dividends and rises in market values of stock shares they possess; (f) transform the world's bottom poor into a six billion-strong market for all business enterprises worldwide; (g) implement all other related strategies described in this blog.
Impossible? Not for the world's skilled masses working out a common plan! Fundamentally, all the big-business tactics herein presented are 'traditional', or have been practiced for centuries by world elites and their corporate allies. Said allies include employee and managerial masses who have actually been building and running elite companies and corporate groups since the dawn of the industrial era (1700s) and up to the present. The employee masses (managers are also employees) therefore know the exact ways by which fortunes can be built out of big business tactics, elite style. Why then can't said masses build similar corporate groups (without leaving their jobs), this time to benefit themselves instead of the old elite few? In the process, they would be creating billions of jobs for the world's bottom masses while creating planet-scale markets for all the world's businesses. To begin 'fixing the world', we should therefore start persuading employee masses worldwide to make a habit of mass entrepreneurship, or the building of mega co-op corporate groups all intent on achieving target ideals such as herein presented.
But how do we motivate the world's skilled masses into becoming large-scale (thousand-member) entrepreneurial groups without unduly affecting their work hours? Again we simply copy another effective elite tactic: use the profit motive. We have to design business plans whereby employees earn high 'sideline' income (thru mega co-op operations) without leaving their jobs. We also have to design highly profitable 'clean and green' business schemes that will persuade millions of 1st World companies with corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs to engage in business joint ventures with 3rd World mega co-ops. Priority projects for the Philippines as modeling country include: thousand-hectare agro-forests; sweet sorghum-fed ethanol distilleries; livestock contract growing and breeding (Aussie/NZ ranchers as partners) at 50% offspring-sharing terms; satellite resort schools for 1st World Pacific Rim Elementary and High Schools; agri-products processing factories; mini-hydropower and geothermal plants; forest resorts; scores of other joint venture projects described in the body of this blog. All designs except power industries should target world markets from the outset. Most designs should also be so profitable as to attract trillion-dollar 1stWorld green Funds and development aid institutions into lending 60-75% of project cost at ten-year revolving terms with Philippine government repayment guarantee in the 'near-impossible' case of bankruptcy. All said projects enabling creditors to recoup their investments in due time while earning interest income should add to their easy credit approvals.
But how do we motivate the world's skilled masses into becoming large-scale (thousand-member) entrepreneurial groups without unduly affecting their work hours? Again we simply copy another effective elite tactic: use the profit motive. We have to design business plans whereby employees earn high 'sideline' income (thru mega co-op operations) without leaving their jobs. We also have to design highly profitable 'clean and green' business schemes that will persuade millions of 1st World companies with corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs to engage in business joint ventures with 3rd World mega co-ops. Priority projects for the Philippines as modeling country include: thousand-hectare agro-forests; sweet sorghum-fed ethanol distilleries; livestock contract growing and breeding (Aussie/NZ ranchers as partners) at 50% offspring-sharing terms; satellite resort schools for 1st World Pacific Rim Elementary and High Schools; agri-products processing factories; mini-hydropower and geothermal plants; forest resorts; scores of other joint venture projects described in the body of this blog. All designs except power industries should target world markets from the outset. Most designs should also be so profitable as to attract trillion-dollar 1stWorld green Funds and development aid institutions into lending 60-75% of project cost at ten-year revolving terms with Philippine government repayment guarantee in the 'near-impossible' case of bankruptcy. All said projects enabling creditors to recoup their investments in due time while earning interest income should add to their easy credit approvals.
The logical beneficiaries of such action to end humanity's scourges should start with both the 80 million-strong Philippine poor and their multi-racial redeemers. As the model gets cloned 3rd World-wide, humanity should gradually become 99% middle and upper classes. The remaining 1% will comprise elites and mentally or physically challenged individuals cared for by budget-rich government agencies and religious charities.
Target middle class incomes should be 1st World levels at $2,000 to $10,000 equivalent monthly. The amounts are far off current 3rd World middle class income rates at $300 (great majority) to $2000 equivalent monthly. Since the ideal 1st World salary rates cannot possibly be afforded by tiny 3rd World companies selling to tiny local markets, the 'new 3rd World 'redeemed masses' should earn from multiple sources. 3rd World Mega Co-op Movements should ensure that all member-employees earn from salaries, quarterly dividends from a stack of mega co-op capital shares whereby every mega co-op earns out of 20-50 joint venture companies, profit shares from employees' small-group (section level, co-op contracting) businesses, rises in stock market and collateral values of co-op share certificates, rises in value of small-business assets (farmland, credit worthiness, goodwill), profits out of buying and selling of monetary metals during periods of inflation or deflation, and benefits out of State-aided mega co-op pre-need plans such as pension, life, burial, education, hospitalization and health insurance, housing loans, etc. Such 1st World level incomes and benefits should be a consequence of mega co-op corporate groups' capture of world markets thru ASEAN Festival Malls worldwide, traditional market outlets, and sales to Filipino expatriates' 'sideline' businesses in over 100 countries.
What benefits will participating 1st World joint venture and BOT companies enjoy?
1) Trillion-dollar business opportunities in the 3rd World thru partnerships with mega co-ops towards construction of 'clean and green' infrastructures, mining, steel and alloy works, production of ethanol and flex-fuel vehicles, watercraft, heavy and light industries, and all sorts of manufacturing plants;
2) Ability to access the world's Green Funds that currently amount to over $100 billion UN funds and trillions in 1st World government Aid agencies' green programs for the 3rd World.
3) For joint venture manufacturers, acquisition of world-girdling market outlets as ASEAN Festival Malls set up by mega co-ops and their State/business allies spread out worldwide;
4) Conversion of some five billion poor in the 3rd World into employee-shareholders able to afford all types of products and services, which means profits and wealth for all the world's involved businesses.
5) Business planning and operations facilitated by dual currencies and metals-based currency parity adopted by societies worldwide.
What will world governments and peoples gain out of the described mass entrepreneurship programs for planetary good?
1) Avoidance of severe inflation, deflation and economic crises caused by current worldwide use of fiat currencies and the actions of a few powerful Central Bank monetary-volume managers aside from private capital companies that engage in quadrillion-dollar stock market speculation. Adoption of dual currencies (fiat and metals based) worldwide whereby the people and their businesses (not politicians) largely control monetary flow should ensure avoidance of world history's monetary and economic crises. Such crises that brought bankruptcy, unemployment and untold misery to humanity's masses every eight to ten years had become routine due to the few monetary controllers' over-borrowing and stock exchange 'gambling'. Henceforth, the ability of people and businesses to buy, hoard and sell precious and industrial metals will largely determine societies' monetary needs, which means high inflation or deflation getting checked at 'budding' stage.
2) Trillion-dollar additional incomes for involved 3rd World governments in the form of import and export tax proceeds, interest and dividends from State companies that invest in or lend to mega co-op corporate groups, proceeds from land use rights, income from permits, licenses and franchises aside from hundreds of other impositions as a million or so local mega co-op joint venture corporate groups spread out operations tropics-wide and sell products worldwide;
3) Repayment of a good part of current 1st World governments' trillion-dollar debts incident to their past decades' excessive creation of fiat currencies 'out of thin air' that ended up largely in speculator companies' quadrillion-dollar stock market and currency 'gambles'. Conversely, a mere 10% or so of such created currencies worldwide have been flowing towards investment in or lending to factories that create jobs and form new markets. Reason: 1st World markets have long been super-saturated, meaning new production-oriented businesses will find few buyers. Such centuries-old tragedy should end once mega co-op corporate groups get set up in their millions in the 3rd World to absorb most of world currencies towards creation of new products and transformation of six billion poor into employee-buyers.
4) Fast-track prevention of global warming effects, especially its potential to end all life on earth before year 2100 as estimated by scientists. All mega co-op corporate groups' business activities shall target 'clean and green' operations. Their simultaneous million-level setup over a few decades thru employee masses' planning and implementation activities largely thru blogs and websites should quickly cool the planet back to pre-industrial levels.
5) Creation of a 'mass entrepreneurship' culture in the 3rd World. Usually timid 3rd World employee and managerial masses should develop the courage to set up mega co-op corporate groups due to the following factors: a) top retired corporate managers leading mega co-op organization and management; b) a Loans for Mass Entrepreneurship Law and an Employee Income Tax to Co-op Shares Law enabling employee masses to invest in mega co-ops without painfully saving for investment over decades; c) a 50% Corporate Income Tax to Mega Co-op Shares Law 'forcing' top companies to assign their experts to mega co-ops as consultants in order to ensure good returns out of their mega co-op investments; d) World Climate Change Funds granting soft loans and investments to mega co-ops, joint venture and BOT companies at 75% of project cost as global cooling tactic, thereby channeling trillions of dollars to 3rd World countries which traditionally receive pitiful volumes of direct investments; e) joint venture and BOT arrangements assure mega co-ops that their projects will be initially managed by 1st World skills (assigned or retired) since 40% of capital will be risked by the foreign partners. The arrangement will also require the assigned foreign managers to train local counterparts and teach in local distance study universities, thereby ensuring transfer of technologies and centuries of profitable existence for mega co-op corporate groups; f) high quarterly dividends issued to mega co-op shares incident to billion dollar BOT infrastructure projects (toll roads, waterworks, hydropower and geothermal plants, etc.) getting transferred to mega co-ops as to ownership (installment purchase thru add-ons on service prices), enabling mega co-ops to own giant high-profit industries without raising additional capital for the purpose.
6 Spiritual fulfillment for the world's skilled masses who involve themselves in a lifetime habit of good works, especially in creation of jobs for the poor. Such habit practiced by all humanity should form a world culture whereby races habitually help each other, thereby creating Heaven on Earth, contrary to history's long record of the strong always trying to dominate the weak, a major creator of mass misery. Human power to be happy thru their God-given instinct of mutual help reveals the Creator's true design for humanity: wealth and happiness on Earth. The mega co-op way should lead toward fulfillment of such design.
All such sources of mass happiness however will turn to smoke if one critical condition is not met: you and your friendship nets forming the 'messianic' vanguard! By using the magical internet (blogs and websites), you should move all of skilled humanity (employees and managers) towards planning and concerted action to attain mass redemption, with everyone involved earning good 'sideline' income out of the adventures.
During these times of grave danger (human extinction as a consequence of global warming) and worsening scourges suffered by world masses, 'great silent heroes' become absolute necessities. As part of the highly skilled mere 10% of the world's seven billion population, you and your friendship nets eminently qualify as such 'messianic' catalysts. It's time to fulfill your spiritual destiny!
Target middle class incomes should be 1st World levels at $2,000 to $10,000 equivalent monthly. The amounts are far off current 3rd World middle class income rates at $300 (great majority) to $2000 equivalent monthly. Since the ideal 1st World salary rates cannot possibly be afforded by tiny 3rd World companies selling to tiny local markets, the 'new 3rd World 'redeemed masses' should earn from multiple sources. 3rd World Mega Co-op Movements should ensure that all member-employees earn from salaries, quarterly dividends from a stack of mega co-op capital shares whereby every mega co-op earns out of 20-50 joint venture companies, profit shares from employees' small-group (section level, co-op contracting) businesses, rises in stock market and collateral values of co-op share certificates, rises in value of small-business assets (farmland, credit worthiness, goodwill), profits out of buying and selling of monetary metals during periods of inflation or deflation, and benefits out of State-aided mega co-op pre-need plans such as pension, life, burial, education, hospitalization and health insurance, housing loans, etc. Such 1st World level incomes and benefits should be a consequence of mega co-op corporate groups' capture of world markets thru ASEAN Festival Malls worldwide, traditional market outlets, and sales to Filipino expatriates' 'sideline' businesses in over 100 countries.
What benefits will participating 1st World joint venture and BOT companies enjoy?
1) Trillion-dollar business opportunities in the 3rd World thru partnerships with mega co-ops towards construction of 'clean and green' infrastructures, mining, steel and alloy works, production of ethanol and flex-fuel vehicles, watercraft, heavy and light industries, and all sorts of manufacturing plants;
2) Ability to access the world's Green Funds that currently amount to over $100 billion UN funds and trillions in 1st World government Aid agencies' green programs for the 3rd World.
3) For joint venture manufacturers, acquisition of world-girdling market outlets as ASEAN Festival Malls set up by mega co-ops and their State/business allies spread out worldwide;
4) Conversion of some five billion poor in the 3rd World into employee-shareholders able to afford all types of products and services, which means profits and wealth for all the world's involved businesses.
5) Business planning and operations facilitated by dual currencies and metals-based currency parity adopted by societies worldwide.
What will world governments and peoples gain out of the described mass entrepreneurship programs for planetary good?
1) Avoidance of severe inflation, deflation and economic crises caused by current worldwide use of fiat currencies and the actions of a few powerful Central Bank monetary-volume managers aside from private capital companies that engage in quadrillion-dollar stock market speculation. Adoption of dual currencies (fiat and metals based) worldwide whereby the people and their businesses (not politicians) largely control monetary flow should ensure avoidance of world history's monetary and economic crises. Such crises that brought bankruptcy, unemployment and untold misery to humanity's masses every eight to ten years had become routine due to the few monetary controllers' over-borrowing and stock exchange 'gambling'. Henceforth, the ability of people and businesses to buy, hoard and sell precious and industrial metals will largely determine societies' monetary needs, which means high inflation or deflation getting checked at 'budding' stage.
2) Trillion-dollar additional incomes for involved 3rd World governments in the form of import and export tax proceeds, interest and dividends from State companies that invest in or lend to mega co-op corporate groups, proceeds from land use rights, income from permits, licenses and franchises aside from hundreds of other impositions as a million or so local mega co-op joint venture corporate groups spread out operations tropics-wide and sell products worldwide;
3) Repayment of a good part of current 1st World governments' trillion-dollar debts incident to their past decades' excessive creation of fiat currencies 'out of thin air' that ended up largely in speculator companies' quadrillion-dollar stock market and currency 'gambles'. Conversely, a mere 10% or so of such created currencies worldwide have been flowing towards investment in or lending to factories that create jobs and form new markets. Reason: 1st World markets have long been super-saturated, meaning new production-oriented businesses will find few buyers. Such centuries-old tragedy should end once mega co-op corporate groups get set up in their millions in the 3rd World to absorb most of world currencies towards creation of new products and transformation of six billion poor into employee-buyers.
4) Fast-track prevention of global warming effects, especially its potential to end all life on earth before year 2100 as estimated by scientists. All mega co-op corporate groups' business activities shall target 'clean and green' operations. Their simultaneous million-level setup over a few decades thru employee masses' planning and implementation activities largely thru blogs and websites should quickly cool the planet back to pre-industrial levels.
5) Creation of a 'mass entrepreneurship' culture in the 3rd World. Usually timid 3rd World employee and managerial masses should develop the courage to set up mega co-op corporate groups due to the following factors: a) top retired corporate managers leading mega co-op organization and management; b) a Loans for Mass Entrepreneurship Law and an Employee Income Tax to Co-op Shares Law enabling employee masses to invest in mega co-ops without painfully saving for investment over decades; c) a 50% Corporate Income Tax to Mega Co-op Shares Law 'forcing' top companies to assign their experts to mega co-ops as consultants in order to ensure good returns out of their mega co-op investments; d) World Climate Change Funds granting soft loans and investments to mega co-ops, joint venture and BOT companies at 75% of project cost as global cooling tactic, thereby channeling trillions of dollars to 3rd World countries which traditionally receive pitiful volumes of direct investments; e) joint venture and BOT arrangements assure mega co-ops that their projects will be initially managed by 1st World skills (assigned or retired) since 40% of capital will be risked by the foreign partners. The arrangement will also require the assigned foreign managers to train local counterparts and teach in local distance study universities, thereby ensuring transfer of technologies and centuries of profitable existence for mega co-op corporate groups; f) high quarterly dividends issued to mega co-op shares incident to billion dollar BOT infrastructure projects (toll roads, waterworks, hydropower and geothermal plants, etc.) getting transferred to mega co-ops as to ownership (installment purchase thru add-ons on service prices), enabling mega co-ops to own giant high-profit industries without raising additional capital for the purpose.
6 Spiritual fulfillment for the world's skilled masses who involve themselves in a lifetime habit of good works, especially in creation of jobs for the poor. Such habit practiced by all humanity should form a world culture whereby races habitually help each other, thereby creating Heaven on Earth, contrary to history's long record of the strong always trying to dominate the weak, a major creator of mass misery. Human power to be happy thru their God-given instinct of mutual help reveals the Creator's true design for humanity: wealth and happiness on Earth. The mega co-op way should lead toward fulfillment of such design.
All such sources of mass happiness however will turn to smoke if one critical condition is not met: you and your friendship nets forming the 'messianic' vanguard! By using the magical internet (blogs and websites), you should move all of skilled humanity (employees and managers) towards planning and concerted action to attain mass redemption, with everyone involved earning good 'sideline' income out of the adventures.
During these times of grave danger (human extinction as a consequence of global warming) and worsening scourges suffered by world masses, 'great silent heroes' become absolute necessities. As part of the highly skilled mere 10% of the world's seven billion population, you and your friendship nets eminently qualify as such 'messianic' catalysts. It's time to fulfill your spiritual destiny!