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Showing posts from August 24, 2018

Imperative 24: 5th vision: 1st World CSR companies' upland cable transport systems

    Fast track reforestation and maximum efficiency upland farming and livestock raising on the Philippines' 18 million hectares of mountains that rise from 1,000 to 2,300 meters in height requires tiers of upland elevators, heavy duty cable lines with motorized cabs, and zip cable lines in strategic areas of every 3,000-hectare mega co-op agro-forest.  The elevator and cable transports should speed up delivery of personnel, farm tools, tree saplings for reforestation, crop harvests, construction materials, etc.  Vertical frame freight elevator systems may require a unit every 50 meters of an average 1,500 meter high mountainside cliff or carved 'notch' all the way to mountaintop.  Where slopes are at low degrees, roofed ramps should connect one elevator to another, enabling personnel and tools to be lifted to specific mountain heights for perpetual agro-forest operations throughout entire mountain ranges at minimal effort.  Strategic areas of mountain ra...