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Showing posts from August 4, 2018

Imperative 04: Warning! Human extinction looms within decades unless we act now!

    Considering the current apathy shown by most of humanity as to the global warming issue, the current 1 deg.C average rise above pre-industrial world temperature will very likely lead to a 2 deg. rise and very quickly, onward to 6 degrees before year 2100.  What will happen during this period?  Here are the fearsome projections advanced by a great number of the world's atmospheric scientists:      1. At 2-3 deg.C rise, the following effects can only be expected:  a) increasingly acidic oceans kill off corals that form the bases of marine food chains.  Translation: more hunger for subsistence fishermen's families and less seafood for all humanity; b) streams, rivers, lakes and exposed freshwater sources evaporate to levels that create near-permanent farmland droughts that create mass hunger for worldwide poor.  Crimes, rebellions and wars for remaining irrigable land, for water sources and for food become common planet-wide; c) ever...