Imperative 41: 20th vision: 1st World 'dirty power' factories expansion to 'clean power' Philippines!
Millions of companies in the Americas, Europe, and Asia rely on coal-fed power plants to run their factory machinery. Coal is considered the 'dirtiest' fuel for power plants, creating noxious smoke and exuding thousands of tons of CO2 per plant each year. Happily as fortune may have decreed, current 'non-industrial' Philippines has potential clean energy alternatives: hundreds of potential sites for mini hydropower and geothermal plants. As described in previous posts, 1st World CSR companies aided by Climate Change Funds, World Aid and Development Banks may develop said clean energy potentials to the fullest thru build-operate-transfer contracts, mega co-ops as final transferee-owners. The aiding Funds and CSR companies may earn enormous profits and interest income out of the 10 to 15-year BOT exercises, while the Philippines gains perpetual power sources at trillion-watt level combined, priced at low rates due to 'free' water and steam used by the...