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Imperative 50: Ocean phytoplankton fertilization versus global warming, Part 3 of 3

    Fertilizing the world's oceanic waters will require planet-scale action by no less than all humanity's skilled sectors: employee masses, governments, public and private corporations, fisheries industries, international Funds, mega co-op corporate groups, climate change organizations and other institutions.  How?  Here are tactics which should prove feasible because they are based on the profit motive, which largely runs the world:
    1) Climate change advocates worldwide who work in corporations, governments and other organizations have to campaign for formulation and world-scale adoption of ocean fertilization tactics such as presented in this blog.  The hard-sell: a) corporations and mega co-ops will gain enormous profits by engaging in 'intrapreneurship' based on coastal and 'blue sea' aquaculture lines (floating and submerged cages, artificial reefs, floating fish shelters or 'aggregating devices', traps, etc.) that require inexpensive fertilization yet create population explosions of commercial fishes within fertilized areas;  b) mega co-op joint ventures may also engage in coastal aquaculture for the same profit-making reason.  Project choices: pond, tank and floating or submerged cage aquaculture of coral and pelagic fishes, shrimps and crabs; fish, shrimp and crab breeding; operation of private marine breeding reserves; seaweeds culture and manufacture of gelling ingredients for candies, processed foods, paints, ice cream, shampoos, etc.; phytoplankton culture for production of food supplements that are rich in all essential vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants; manufacture of various bio-chemicals and equipment for marine-related medical industries, construction of fishing boats and factory ships for processing or canning of marine products, setup and operation of shipyards, manufacture of E85 engines, fish nets and fishing gear, refrigeration and aquaculture equipment, etc. 
    2) Success of vanguard marine aquaculture companies should persuade all hunt-and-capture type fishing companies to discontinue their wasteful operations in which around 70% of catch are considered 'trash fish' (including commercial fish juveniles) to be dumped into the sea.  The practice effectively prevents immense volumes and species of marine animals to reproduce and enrich fishing grounds.  A better option is submerged cage or coastal aquaculture to revive current heavily depleted marine populations.  Additionally, 'blue sea' aquaculture should be popularized, whereby submerged fish cages with mangrove branches tied upon center posts will serve as hiding and breeding places and 'food centers' for all types of commercial fishes, the adults to be harvested at rates that maintain healthy populations. Operation of pearl farms form another lucrative option.  For its part, coastal aquaculture requires cultivation of sea grasses, seaweeds, mangroves and other coastal greens that sequester CO2 while serving as food as well as hiding and breeding places for fishes and other marine animals.  Perpetual protection from excessive human predation, breeding of species in tanks for release in the wild, seashell culture, pond operations, cage aquaculture in replanted mangrove areas, and controlled harvests should ensure endless profits for coastal aquaculture operators.
    3) Hard-sell to governments and climate change Funds may include the following 'persuaders': a) tax proceeds will shoot up thru expansion of industries based on oceanic resources.  Governments will thus afford to contribute more to climate change Funds; b) climate change Funds' monetary assets will further multiply as the new environmentally aware (and profit-making) marine industries contribute enormous volumes of money to help sustain worldwide efforts against global warming; c) Overheated and increasingly acidic waters caused by global warming  kills off corals and fish fry, which means massive profit slices for fisheries industries.  World-scale deep sea and coastal aquaculture industries should end further acidification of marine waters thru phytos' ability to convert acid-creating CO2 into oxygen.  Population explosions of 'phytos' will result to massive conversion of existing CO2 in marine waters into carbonic acid which become part of phyto skeletons that settle into ocean bottoms and solidify as limestone, thereby permanently sequestering CO2.  As a consequence, high oceanic acid levels will be greatly reduced, preventing further kill-offs of corals and fish fry.  Aquaculture industries described should hence be front runners in world efforts to cool down the planet, for the resultant 'side effects' (massive profits) will fill the coffers of all involved to overflowing. 
   4) As the world's skilled masses, companies and institutions awake to the necessity of ocean fertilization, they will tend to form linkages for world-scale operation of appropriate 'phyto' population multiplication systems.  Governments should hence require all blue water shipping and fishing companies within their jurisdictions to hire an environmental science specialist (ESS) per ship, and contribute funds for fertilization materials and support equipment.  Costs may be deductible from taxes due.
    5) All shipping companies' ESS should be hired and managed by an Ocean Fertilization Institute (OFI) set up by world environmental science bodies and funded by governments.  Each ESS has to constantly sample the waters plied by his assigned ship as to plankton populations and fertilization needs, and report the data to OFI.
    6) OFI stations in coastal nations have to build, install and maintain the floating rafts with their clay balls and fish shelters as described in Imperative 49.  Maintenance includes reloading the rafts with clay balls and re-positioning said rafts after typhoons when needed.  Said stations should  also handle the seasonal bidding out of regulated fish harvests to commercial fishing companies (ideally mega co-op joint ventures).  A fishing company may harvest twenty or so 'loaded' raft sets on staggered basis, thereby earning massive profits on continuing basis, a percentage going to OFI.  Continuity of income will prevent wasteful and expensive old-style capture fisheries whereby fishing fleets need to roam wide areas of ocean to catch rare fish schools or rake ocean bottoms, destroying fish sanctuaries and throwing away tons of 'trash fish', in the process driving entire marine species to near extinction.
    7) Part of OFI harvest shares have to be spent on rehabilitation of denuded mangrove and sea grass regions in the tropics.  Another part should rebuild devastated coral regions declared by governments as protected marine reserves.  A third part should help fund R&D projects undertaken by fisheries institutes in coastal 3rd World countries.  A fourth part should finance technology transfers from fisheries institutes to mega co-ops that plan to set up coastal and 'blue water' aquaculture projects.
    What benefits will humanity and Mother Earth derive out of such never-ending activities?  First, the profit motive will ensure perpetuity of the ecology rebuilding activities.  Second, ocean fertilization and rebuilding of denuded sea grass and mangrove regions will absorb billions of tons of CO2 from both marine waters and the atmosphere, thereby speeding up global cooling.  The current 700+ billion tons of atmospheric CO2 will be sequestered within a few decades back to pre-industrial levels.  Third, the alarming rate of oxygen loss will be reversed as all the expanded marine 'greenery' convert CO2 into oxygen.  Fourth, coastal countries will expand the number and areas of marine reserves, for doing so will bring massive tax income from aquaculture practitioners.  Fifth, aquaculture technologies will expand by leaps and bounds as fisheries institutes in coastal countries engage in endless R&D activities financed by OFI shares out of aquaculture companies' harvests.  Sixth, the entire system will create millions of jobs in the marine industries sector especially in 3rd World coastal countries which are most in need of regular, high-paying jobs. The new employees (mostly Elementary level) will afford innovation-oriented education for job promotion, use savings and State loans to invest in mega co-ops, and engage in small group 'sideline' businesses.  In short, a major portion of humanity will be drawn into re-building currently devastated marine ecologies, reversing the planet-killing effects of global warming, and redeeming billions of 3rd World bottom poor out of their daily miseries. The chances of success?  Ultra excellent, for the entire system is based on the profit motive, which for centuries has proven itself as able to unite entire groups of skills, communities, peoples and races towards working together for all participants' advancement!
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