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Imperative 01: Time for business-based mass action to end global warming!

      A good number of the world's environmental scientists have for decades been warning peoples worldwide: if we don't end global warming, all earthly lives will likely cease to exist by year 2100 or much earlier!  Reason: Studies conducted by hundreds of scientific groups on worldwide climatic events from late 1800s to present have revealed the following: a) air temperatures over land have been rising; b) Arctic sea ice has been decreasing; c) glaciers are melting; d) sea levels are rising; e) air humidity is 'thickening'; f) surface temperatures of seas and lakes are rising; g) snow cover is decreasing; h) Earth's lower atmospheric temperature is rising; i) deep ocean currents are warming, becoming fresher, and changing directions; j) rainfall patterns are changing; k) days and periods of extreme heat are growing in number; l) the Earth's thermosphere is shrinking while its tropopause is expanding; m) atmospheric oxygen levels are going down: n) less heat is escaping out of the atmosphere; o) heat waves are rising in frequency; p) ocean acidity is rising; q) lakes' ice-free winter waters are expanding; r) snow packs are getting thinner and less dense; s) growing seasons are lengthening; t) ocean phytoplankton populations are falling; u) hot air helps enlarge forest fires; v) prolonged droughts kill off forests; w) some 36-40 million tons of CO2 get added yearly by world industries and transports to around 700+ billion tons of the gas long resident in the atmosphere; x) atmospheric gases including oxygen are being stripped off by solar winds as heat expands the atmosphere; y) storms, typhoons and floods are getting worse; z) thousands of underground methane gas explosions have been occurring in Siberia, and 'frozen methane' clathrates have been releasing methane in large areas of marine waters worldwide. 
    The degrees of such changes may be accessed thru various scientific groups' websites and You Tube videos on climate change.  These and scores more indicators warn humanity of a nightmarish 'end of times' unless appropriate, world-scale remedies to end global warming are made starting now.
    What are the observed effects of such climatic changes?  They are what humanity, especially the poor masses of the 3rd World tropics, suffer on daily basis and especially during terrible periods of weather-induced calamities.  Here are some of the scourges: a) sizzling days and burning nights; b) long droughts and resultant mass hunger; c) typhoons that devastate entire regions, destroying properties painfully built up over decades; d) floods that drown entire lowland regions, destroy crops and bankrupt farming families; e) sea coral and phytoplankton die-offs that reduce fish harvests, further impoverishing micro-fishermen; f) rainless seasons that bankrupt rural families who depend on tiny (1.6 hectare) rain-fed plots; g) landslides that bury entire villages; h) forest fires that rage for days, or over weeks where peat bogs are at thousand-hectare levels; i) rising sea levels that force coastal residents to abandon their residential plots; j) heat waves that kill old people; k) millions of deaths incident to such scourges inflicted by global warming over the past century, bringing untold misery especially among dependents of 3rd Word masses of bottom poor.
    Can we ordinary humans do something about it?  We certainly can!  You and your friendship nets can end global warming by habitually helping set up businesses that will reforest denuded lands, build 'clean' industries, and create jobs for hordes of 3rd World poor so they may have the means to participate in climate change action. 
     What's the motivator for entire skilled masses of people to address both mass poverty (thru job creation for bottom poor) and climate change?  The driving force has long been tested by history: the profit motive.  If everybody earns good income out of green activities, everyone will join the bandwagon.  If everybody sets up large-scale green businesses, the logical business form will be mega co-ops.  If the employee and managerial masses lead in setting up mega co-ops, they will tend to create corporate groups with mega co-ops as 'holding company', a direct copy of what world elites do to build billion-dollar fortunes.  Such skilled masses actually build and run elites' corporate groups, which means they have the skills to repeat the processes but this time to enrich themselves while creating millions of jobs for bottom poor thru setup of green industries.  And said skilled masses don't even have to sweat to do it.  They simply use the internet to communicate with each other, involving entire races' skills (especially 3rd World employee and managerial masses) in planning and implementing green businesses.  Their combined political power, business skills and contacts will enable their mega co-op corporate groups to 'ensnare' trillion-dollar government agencies, world Green Funds, 1st World Aid funds, and all manner of techno-savvy 1st World joint venture companies to assist in setup and operation of green businesses specially in the tropics which possess massive agribusiness (CO2-absorbing) potentials.
    The future for all humanity is therefore 'blinding bright'.  All that is needed really is your leadership! 
    (Read other posts: Click 3 bars at top right of page, click Labels, click your choice of topic)

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