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Showing posts from August 17, 2018

Imperative 17: We must build investment courage for clean and green projects worldwide!

    How do we motivate potential investors to create mega co-op corporate groups from scratch?  Fundamentally, what investors and lenders look for in a potential investment-grade enterprise is the character of its leaders and the track record of the company in terms of long-term dividend and interest-issuing capabilities.  Another determinant is the past and probable future market value of the target company's stock shares.  Since our mega co-ops shall start from zero, their proponents have to ride aboard the 'names' of highly respected individuals, companies, Funds, governments and institutions local and foreign which already possess confidence-building investment attractors.     How?  For the Philippines, investment trust may build up out of  the following: a) management level retirees of top local companies as organization and management teams for the co-ops.  Most large Philippine companies are joint ventures with 1st World compa...