Philippine upland summers are the worst times for mountain dwellers' kids who have to trek for hours over mountains to get mere jerry cans of drinking water at the nearest spring. The tragedy is prevalent among isolated settlements in the Philippines' 18 million hectares of uplands where mega co-ops should build their agro-forests. Where will the thousand-hectare agro-forests get their water? Here's the modeling scheme: A group of five mega co-ops managing 15,000 hectares of agro-forest sets up a company that will partner with several 1st World corporations (including one water equipment manufacturing company) in order to provide irrigation and potable water supply systems for the entire area, its processing factories, its employees' villages, and small farms and towns adjacent to the area. Capital is 60% co-op and 40% foreign partners to comply with Philippine law. Green Funds and 1st World Aid agencies provide 75...