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    I bring horrible news and great news!  First the terrifying future prospects for us all:  Based on scientific data, all humanity will very likely cease to exist before year 2100!  That is, if runaway global warming is not controlled by the world's skilled employee masses (the only sector that can actually do it) starting about NOW!  Without such action, humanity's end will be horrendous!  Decades from now with nothing done, Earth's atmospheric temperature will have risen some 5-6 deg.C above current levels.  Consequently, the presently rising levels of methane gas releases out of Earth's frigid zones and oceanic waters will expand geometrically.  Methane is 25 times more heat-trapping than the thickening blanket of carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial and transport emissions that has been warming Earth's atmosphere by 1 deg.C above pre-industrial times.  Methane is also highly flammable.  People worldwide will thereby roast from atmospheric heat and will suffer weeks-long forest and urban fires.  Super storms, floods and droughts will become routine news planet-wide. Consequent scarcity of productive lands, food and fresh water will create wars and annihilation of weak masses by armed forces of the 'fittest races'.  As heat further expands Earth's atmosphere, solar winds will strip away Earth's gases, including massive volumes of oxygen already depleted by widespread fires.  Atmospheric oxygen will fall to 'gasping levels' for all humans until extinction time. In the end, Earth will suffer the fate of planet Mars which was Earth-like until solar stripping of its atmospheric gases left just CO2 and trace gases blanketing the planet and reducing it to arid status.  These and much more 'end of times' nightmares are discussed in early posts of this blog.  Presently, such 'baseless scare theories' are hotly debated by many skeptical scientific groups all armed with their own interpretations of scientific data.  The debates are all around You Tube and scientific websites for you to ponder.  But what if such skeptics are all wrong, especially on the planet-scale methane releases issue?  For us masses of lay people as well as for our descendants, action for a safe future is better than inaction to await human extinction!  Problem is, no mass-based solutions (the only way out) have so far emanated out of the skilled sectors of humanity.  Hence at this stage, unless appropriate mass-acceptable solutions somehow appear, humanity has to await its decades-long horrifying fate until extinction time before year 2100! 
    Now for the great news!  YOU and your friendship networks have the power to move all humanity (mostly via the magical internet) to prevent such terrible 'end of times'.  How?  By using blog and website discussions based on the corporate profit motive and employee masses' 'sideline income' potential as prods for worldwide action to set up 'clean and green' industries.  The initial income-earning vision: 1st World and 3rd World mega co-ops, corporate joint ventures and employee-group businesses set up throughout the 3rd World tropics, initially based on agro-forestry and related 'clean' industries.  Concurrent with such action should be ocean fertilization by world scientific, State and fisheries organizations to rebuild ocean phytoplankton populations that will absorb some 70% of atmospheric CO2 while releasing life-sustaining oxygen. Together with tropical reforestation, the 'greening of the oceans' should reduce the current atmospheric temperatures to pre-industrial (humanity-saving) levels way before year 2100!  
    The consequent side effects will be just as history-shaking!  Said clean and green industries expanding worldwide will give jobs and education to over six billion 3rd World poor, enabling them to participate in your friendship networks' planet-saving campaign at geometric rates.  And the new armies of employees will concurrently create planet-scale markets for all world industries!  Fears of upcoming decades-long economic deflation (mass loss of jobs and wealth) in 1st World countries run by heavily indebted governments, will be replaced by world-scale action to convert the billions of 3rd World poor into profitable markets for all businesses.  It's now therefore either wealth, peace, prosperity and happiness for all humanity thru new heroes led by your friendship nets, or the total extinction of all life on Earth on account of its skilled employee masses' uncaring attitude.  In other words, you and your friendship nets have been destined by Fortune to become messiahs that will catalyze humanity into saving itself and our beautiful planet Earth.  Your true destiny is revealed by the special skills you possess: high education, business experience, specialized abilities, internet and social skills, etc., which some 90% of humanity do not have.  Fate (Heaven) has obviously developed your skills to prepare for your role as potential savior.  But Heaven has gifted you with free will as well.  To accept your destiny or ignore your conscience despite grave consequences is still your choice.  Considering your good name so far, humanity should expect your ardent acceptance of your messianic destiny.  
    How did this 'improbable' dream (yet the only current option for human survival) of skilled employee masses saving Earth come about?  It is the result of around 50 years of my researches on rich-poor gaps and elite ways to wealth, all aimed at finding the 'unfindable': a final solution to 3rd World poverty.  Here's how the basic theses took lives of their own:
    1.0  As 1960s High School student (Paco Catholic School, Manila), I learned in History class about the 'inevitability of class struggle' as solution to mass poverty.  I wondered however if class cooperation is a better option, and if it is even possible.
    2.0  As 1970s BSBA Marketing student (University of the East, Manila), I borrowed and read two books each week from the US Information Service's Jefferson Library.  The topics: macro economics, world political, entrepreneurial and technological histories, large-scale business principles, biographies of US inventors, industrialists and financiers, and other topics that relate to rich-poor issues.  My most significant finding: US inventors developed some 250 patented technologies per day  from 1800s to early 1900s, and more thereafter.  US corporations concurrently commercialized some 6% of the inventions and sold resultant products to world markets, in the process converting the US masses into 99% upper-middle class, considering poor country standards.  Comparatively, 3rd World masses invented almost nothing, exported insignificant volumes of local products (except raw materials), imported almost everything, and produced only for tiny local markets, thereby remaining bone-poor all throughout their histories.  Conclusion: inventions, commercialization of inventions (innovation), world-scale marketing and mass productivity, not land reform, 'unjust profit sharing', one-party dictatorship, fate or 'divine test' (as Philippine revolutionists and preachers of the period claimed), largely determine mass wealth.
    3.0  As 1970s credit investigator for a bank owned by three sugar-based elite families, I learned that the bank partly financed some 14 corporations majority owned by said families.  I further learned that all Philippine elite families similarly owned or controlled large corporate groups that each included a bank.    Conclusion: elites use banks as 'milking cows' and create multiple sources of income.  Conversely, local employee masses each earn pittance income from a single business source - salaries. No wonder the Philippine masses are so poor!  The logical imperative? Employees as large groups must similarly create multiple sources of income by setting up and operating their own corporate groups that together own an Employees' Bank.  Since employee and managerial masses actually help build and run elites' corporate groups, said masses should have all the skills to similarly build their own corporate groups, in the process creating millions of jobs for the bottom poor. Such 'mass entrepreneurship' campaigns must be conducted without employees leaving their jobs, and management level retirees have to lead due to the trustworthy 'names' they built up over decades.
    4.0  As 1980s Marketing section chief of a World Bank and US Peace Corps-aided program for setting up crafts co-ops, I realized the importance of choosing market-sustaining and volume-level product lines for world markets if rural co-ops are to flourish as wide-ranging anti-poverty tools.  Crafts and their niche markets hardly qualify especially during world-scale 'hard times' such as the oil crises of the period.  Unfortunately, the near-total absence of industrial skills plus insufficient electric power in rural Philippines has relegated crafts as the only feasible product line for coop-based anti-poverty action, although with very limited effects. The obvious alternative?  Rural-urban co-ops aided by State and Foreign Aid institutions have to engage in export-oriented commercial-scale agro-forestry and manufacturing to address the issue.  The tactic for rural industrialization: copy the elite way of importing entire factories and technologies (including trainers) thru State-aided joint ventures with 1st World companies, something that Japan practiced in late 1800s and popularized in Pacific Rim countries in the '60s. The Japanese approach centered on aiding local elites.  The 3rd World approach should center on aiding mega co-ops owned by employee masses and sympathizing State and private corporations.  Such scheme should address both mass poverty and wealth and power imbalances at the same time. 
    5.0 As 1980s bad debts documents tracer and collector for a politics-based elite family's holding company that managed 30 joint venture corporations majority-owned by said family and top politicians' proxies, I learned the importance of political alliances, State-business synergies, and local-foreign joint ventures in enabling a family to rise from middle class to elite status.  Conclusion: if single families can set up multiple joint ventures thru State synergies, employee masses may certainly do the same for themselves and for creating jobs for the poor, by taking control of government thru peaceful business-based means. The result can only be wealth for the masses! 
    6.0  As 1990s secretary for the Crude Industrial Ethanol Dept. of Saudi Petrochemical Company, I observed how Saudi leaders built giant industries by simply buying all required equipment and technologies from industrialized nations, management and engineering trainers included.  Buying up technologies instead of expensively inventing them proved to be just as profitable as the old US style of building mass wealth thru innovation.  Of course the technology developers should earn much more because they sell manufacturing licenses to scores of countries.  Comparatively, dollar-short Philippine elites have been building much smaller corporate groups thru technology licensing, franchising, capital sharing, parts assembly and production contracting joint ventures with 1st World corporations since the 1960s.  They were building great peso fortunes without expensively inventing new technologies thru research and development.  Conclusion (again): what elites did employee and managerial masses can certainly do, thru joint ventures with local and 1st World companies supported by State loans and aid.  R&D can later expand profits further once affordable.  To prevent wealth gaps, large employee groups should form 'mother' mega co-ops that each targets the build-up of 20-50 joint ventures with local and foreign companies over the years.  Since mega co-ops are largely mass-owned (companies and State agencies being part-owners but with single votes), wealth from business will spread out among the masses and not among the elite few as usual.
    7.0  As 1990s director's secretary for the Saudi Ministry of Interior Telecoms Dept, I began to organize my research data into an anti-poverty dissertation during off-work hours.  The target: stress 'sideline' income and corporate profits as motivators for employee masses and their corporations towards formation of mega co-op corporate groups.  I further read about the Japanese 'super corporate groups' (keiretsu) that each comprised 50 to 200 companies, each of the top ones selling worldwide on yearly basis, the equivalent of a 3rd World country's entire yearly production.  In the 1990s, keiretsu groups were largely responsible for Japan's $7 trillion yearly GDP (gross domestic production) which dwarfed the Philippines' mere $100 billion equivalent. No wonder the Philippine masses have been and still are so poor!  In the 1980s, a single Japanese company's worldwide sales at $100 billion/year greatly contrasted with all Philippine businesses' production at just $80 billion/year.  Trash all 'poverty causes' popular in the Philippines, mass productivity never one of them.   
    Keiretsu companies should hence be the Philippine masses' major entrepreneurial models, for they catapulted the Japanese masses as among the wealthiest worldwide since the 1960s, handing out salaries at 30 to 50 times those of Philippine equivalents.  As the Japanese showed, mass wealth is a function of  mass productivity and world-scale sales. Philippine-style mass struggles for 'just wages' will hardly work where businesses are too small to afford high salaries.  The best anti-poverty choice for 3rd World peoples is mass ownership of corporate groups thru mega co-ops using the very tactics that created the world's elite few.             
    8.0  As year-2000s largely self-financed 'local mass business potential tactics' researcher, I scoured bookstores and bought technology books and magazines on sale, attended State agribusiness seminars, consulted 'appropriate technology' literature in State agency libraries, conducted several micro-business investigations, did NGO research assignments, perused thousands of internet articles, and at times edited College theses about corporate and State agency accounting and operational activities.  Data gathered led to the scores of local potential tactics for anti-poverty 'mass entrepreneurship' (mega co-op joint ventures + small group 'sideline' businesses) that are presented within the body of this blog.  Data gathered also led to 'local flavor' conclusions that added to my dissertation as follows:
    8.1  Solo-style 'mom and pop' micro businesses that sell to tiny local markets as poverty solution advanced by Philippine government regimes will redeem only a microscopic percentage of the country's over 60 million Primary and Elementary level bottom poor.  Regimes simply paring down poverty standards to 'starvation' level to characterize millions as 'taken out of poverty' will not impress the masses who define affordability of wealth-creating education for the entire family as major measure of middle class status. 
    8.2  Thirty million Filipino employees local and abroad who have been exposed to large-scale business should target formation of over a million mega co-op joint venture corporate groups as the only fast-track way to end mass poverty in the Philippines.  The motivators: high 'sideline' incomes for employee-entrepreneurs, and high profits for participating joint venture and investor companies.
    8.3  The climate change issue has motivated several million 1st World corporations and climate change Funds to set up and finance Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs.  Total financing has come up to hundred-billion dollar levels.  All may be tapped for investments in or loans to mega co-op joint ventures' clean and green projects initially based on agro-forestry and related industries.  Participating companies and Funds may thus further expand their CSR budgets thru said mega co-ops' profit dividend rewards and loan interest payments. 
    8.4  Philippine clean and green industries set up by mega co-ops must conduct work-study programs to enable entry-level employees with mere Elementary education to complete College courses with team invention and mass entrepreneurship requirements.  Target: ensure that 'redeemed poor' will never revert to poverty.
    8.5 Laws must be passed by a referendum-style Internet Congress to (a) convert employee income tax due into mega co-op shares; (b) convert half of corporate income tax and value added tax into mega coop shares; (c) grant four-month salary loans every three years to qualified employees for purchase of mega co-op shares.  Targets: democratize ownership of wealth sources and help enable mega co-ops to acquire top corporate skills as consultants.
    8.6. Philippine employee masses are generally risk-averse and often distrustful of co-op organizers due to past co-op failures largely in rural areas (comparatively, many urban co-ops have built million-peso businesses).  Fortunately, several million management-level retirees who are expectantly trusted by their former co-employees exist in the country.  Employees of the largest companies must persuade such retirees to lead in mega co-op organization and operations.  Once employees of corporate 'names' have organized, remaining employee masses will very likely join the redeeming bandwagons.     
    So how may the redeeming campaigns start?  Your action is critical.  You have to refer all your friends and contacts to this blog, then follow up with discussions on improvements to tactics herein presented.  Next, your messianic networks have to persuade contact companies local and abroad to set up clean and green joint ventures in the tropics, starting with Philippine agro-forestry and related industries.  Scores of high-profit businesses for companies and friendship groups are described in this blog.  Just as critically, your employee and corporate networks have to help fund the author's promotions enterprise thru question and answer and advertising fees, details in Post 51 of this blog, or 'Help fund promos' link atop the home page.
    To conclude, whether you like it or not, humanity now depends upon you and your friendship nets for its very existence. Relying on politicians and even international climate change organizations to solve the global warming problem all by themselves will yield very limited results, as recent history has shown.  If you adopt the action schemes described in this blog and add more, your friendship nets' heroic action will yield great benefits to all members involved:  wealth from dividend shares; rises in value of members' mega co-op and joint venture shares; profit shares from your friendship groups' coops-related 'sideline' businesses; hordes of new multi-racial friends; new business contacts; new skills learned; great tropical vacations; your company expanding to new profitable markets worldwide (which means salary raises for you and your co-employees), etc.  The top return for all your participating friendship nets is spiritual: Heaven on Earth and beyond thru lifelong habit of redeeming hordes of 3rd World poor while saving humanity and our beautiful planet from a terrible end!

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