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Showing posts from August 25, 2018

Imperative 25: 6th vision: 1st World CSR companies' toll roads

    Mega co-op agro-forest clusters earning millions of dollars out of export sales each month will surely afford paying toll fees to a road-making consortium set up by scores of 1st World CSR companies.  Built on build-operate-transfer basis, the initial toll roads should connect to existing rural roads to access millions of hectares of currently denuded tropical lands.  To access further millions of hectares of current Philippine regions that have zero road networks, the BOT consortia may coordinate with pre-coops to set up new region-wide toll road networks based on mega co-op Movement plans.   Mega co-ops and their BOT partners may thereby transform the entire Philippines' currently denuded uplands into greenhouse gas-absorbing forests and croplands that operate in perpetuity.       The said 1st World road-building consortia  (which includes civil works companies) may sell billion-dollar low-interest bonds to the Asian Develo...