Ten or so Philippine mega co-ops may pool capital and set up one resorts-operating company in joint venture with foreign CSR companies and 1st World companies engaged in tourism, hotels and inns. The joint venture company may thence apply for low-interest loans from Climate Change and World Aid Funds to cover 75% of project cost. Loan repayments and interest should augment said green funds' budgets. Capital sharing for the resort joint ventures may be 60-40% (locals more) as required by Philippine law. The resorts should be constructed near sites where BOT companies have set up mini dam hydropower chains, biogas power facilities and geothermal power plants that together produce gigagawatt-level electricity and are able to install power lines to resort facilities. Every mega co-op with its 3,000-hectare (or larger) agro-forest may accommodate five or so joint venture forest resorts with waterfalls, swimming po...