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Showing posts from August 5, 2018

Imperative 05: We must prevent Earth from becoming as dead as planet Mars!

    At 6 deg.C temperature rise above pre-industrial level (17 deg.C or so), much of Earth's atmospheric oxygen will likely be lost, as its atmosphere, ballooned by heat will multiply solar stripping to extreme levels.  Seen from space, Earth's atmosphere proportionately looks as thin as an orange peel.  Earth itself is a mere dot compared to the sun and even to a solar loop.  Logically, Earth's 21% atmospheric oxygen being one of the lightest gases will be stripped first as it gets crowded out by heavier CO2 and methane while being pulled out by the space vacuum..  Earth's magnetic field will be powerless against the pull of the space vacuum along the edges of a greatly ballooned atmosphere.  Scientific studies already report reduced atmospheric oxygen levels at the current 1 deg.C rise above pre-industrial level.  Other studies report oceanic plankton populations (which produce oxygen out of CO2) already reduced by around 40% below pre-industri...