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Imperative 09: A planet-scale problem requires immediate action by skilled masses worldwide!

    A previous post described the extremely limited efforts of world governments in terms of climate change mitigation action these past decades.  Twelve billion or so tons of CO2 sequestered out of 700+ billion tons of the gas in the atmosphere is hardly inspiring.  Forty or so million tons more of the gas added each year by world industries and transports likewise remain largely unchecked.  Much friction against action have been exerted by politicians especially in 3rd world countries. Said leaders have insisted that action against global warming is an impediment against industrial development, especially since the issue is still under intense debate among scientific groups.  In the Philippines and in many other countries, CSR programs focus on planting a few batches of trees which are then left to fate, or conserving electricity, water and paper use.  Believers in global warming therefore have to ramp up their CO2 mitigation efforts while waking up the world's 'sleeping' employee masses regarding the issue, mainly thru blogs and websites.  Depending on politicians as usual to address the issue will create very limited results, as recent history has shown.
    What should then be our basic tactic?  We have to use the corporate profit motive and 'sideline' income attractors to electrify all the world's skilled masses (employees) and their companies towards profitable climate change action initially in the Philippines and later throughout the 3rd World.
    First attractor: 5% of capital invested by joint venture companies should go to their respective recruiters as compensation for services rendered, especially since recruiters have been involved in inter-group project research and planning regarding appropriate joint venture opportunities for target companies.   This policy which should help speed up joint venture capital formation has to be enshrined in mega co-op by-laws.
    Second attractor: Individuals and companies may invest in mega co-op joint venture corporations to earn high dividend income plus rises in market value and loan collateral value of said investors' share certificates as the co-ops' joint venture groups repay their massive loans.
    Third attractor: 30+% of mega co-ops' largest investors have to approve all major policies and contracts, thereby preventing corruption and ensuring good dividend returns.  Such benefits arise on account of the absence of a few self-seeking controllers within the co-op, contrary to regular corporations which are owned and run by an elite few thru their compliant managers. 
    Fourth attractor: For Filipinos, their ensuring passage of a Loans for Mass Entrepreneurship Law and Employee Income Tax to Mega Co-op Shares Law (both described in later posts) will 'instantly'  yield them 'no sweat' voluminous funds for mega co-op investments.  The resultant dividends and rises in market and collateral value of their mega co-op share certificates will form part of their 'sideline' wealth. 
    Fifth attractor: Employee groups in the Philippines (section to division level) may set up companies that engage in farm-type production contracting with  Philippine mega co-op corporate groups. Sure markets and constantly rising production due to mega co-ops' world-scale sales will proportionately expand the market and loan values of such groups' farmlands, enabling such businesses to quickly expand thru low-cost loans granted by State banks.  1st World employee groups may similarly set up small 'friendship group' businesses that will supply materials, technology or services to mega co-op corporate groups.  Such 'sideline entrepreneurship' should hence help spread out trillion-dollar wealth each year to the world's employee masses while creating good jobs for bottom masses.  Of course the redeemed bottom masses should in due time participate in the wealth-creating action.
    Sixth attractor: 3rd World mega co-ops' joint ventures and build-operate-transfer contracts will create quadrillion-dollar markets for all businesses worldwide, with participating joint venture companies obtaining preferential treatment in terms of purchases and sales among Movement companies and buying masses.  1st World employees who succeed in persuading their companies to engage in such 'intrapreneurship' should in due time enjoy salary hikes and job promotions as their companies expand their markets and resultant profits worldwide. 
    Seventh attractor comprises all participants' lifetime spiritual fulfillment incident to inter-racial mutual help on habitual basis that lead to gradual redemption of the world's poor and prevention of the coming end of times for all earthly lives.  
    Eighth attractor consists of the projects dreamed up by participants' friendship nets, beginning with the scores of high-profit opportunities described in this blog.  Inter-racial business planning by employee masses thru blogs and websites during post-work hours can create great excitement and deep friendship bonds among all participants.
    As inter-racial business-based mutual help such as herein described spreads out worldwide, the result can only be what humans have always wanted: peace, material wealth, good friends and spiritual happiness for everyone.  Indeed, the profit motive which has been much maligned by many religions and cultures as 'root of all evil' (due to elite history), if applied by and for the masses as tradition, can actually lead all humanity towards permanent spiritual happiness (Heaven) on Earth and beyond! 
    (Read other posts: Press Up arrow, click 3 bars at top of page, click Labels, click your choice of topic)

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