At 6 deg.C temperature rise above pre-industrial level (17 deg.C or so), much of Earth's atmospheric oxygen will likely be lost, as its atmosphere, ballooned by heat will multiply solar stripping to extreme levels. Seen from space, Earth's atmosphere proportionately looks as thin as an orange peel. Earth itself is a mere dot compared to the sun and even to a solar loop. Logically, Earth's 21% atmospheric oxygen being one of the lightest gases will be stripped first as it gets crowded out by heavier CO2 and methane while being pulled out by the space vacuum.. Earth's magnetic field will be powerless against the pull of the space vacuum along the edges of a greatly ballooned atmosphere. Scientific studies already report reduced atmospheric oxygen levels at the current 1 deg.C rise above pre-industrial level. Other studies report oceanic plankton populations (which produce oxygen out of CO2) already reduced by around 40% below pre-industrial. Solar stripping without oxygen replacement can only lead to one thing: all humanity and all other air-breathing creatures gasping for breath until extinction time!
How plausible are the nightmares? According to studies, solar winds stripped away Mars' atmosphere and evaporated all of its unfrozen waters some three billion years ago due to said planet's weakening magnetic field. Mars is much farther than Earth from the sun at 227 million kilometers versus Earth's 150 million. If the sun can strip off Mars' atmosphere at a much farther distance, what more for the nearer Earth? Earth's ultra strong magnetic field is the observed protector, but its weak points (the Poles) are currently already giving away atmospheric electrons and atoms at Mars levels, according to scientific reports.
What may we then expect Earth to ultimately become? Very likely Mars-like, with its arid lands and CO2 atmosphere. Earth may still have some water but harbor voluminous atmospheric methane prior to total dry-up, said gas feeding peat fires that rage in million-hectare regions. Nitrous oxide from fires is 100 times more powerful than CO2 in trapping heat, hence assuring combustion of even ashes and cinders. Earthly hell cometh, unless humanity's present and future leaderships (which includes you and your friendship nets) begin to act on the climate change issue in earnest!
What's the timetable for planet Earth's demise given such conditions? It's not for us to speculate but only to prevent the frigid zones' releases of killer volumes of methane, expected to occur at geometric (ultra fast) rates. Scientists estimate the event beginning to occur within a few decades from now unless the planet's 700+ billion tons of resident CO2 plus 30-40 million tons more of the gas added yearly by human industries and transports are not entirely checked.
Currently, the data herein presented are hotly debated by various scientific and political groups. Suspected beneficiaries of oil and coal industries' billion-dollar political lobbying and media-targeted budgets present 'facts' which conclude no danger from global warming. Many 3rd World politicians also refuse to act on the issue as it presents an impediment against their countries' development dreams.
So what should we do? The wisest option for us (the masses) is to ignore the endless debates altogether and take action to address the issue. Considering the ultimate danger (extinction) for all humanity that 'pro-global warming' scientists warn everyone against (complete with graphs and statistics), we lay people should take action to be safe rather than sorry. If said scientists' interpretations of scientific data are 'all wrong' as skeptical scientists claim, our appropriate action will on the contrary benefit rather than endanger humanity and planet Earth. On the other hand, if the skeptical scientists turn out to be wrong, we and our unfortunate families and descendants all face 'excruciating and gasping death' within decades together with such erring scientists!
Our choice should be a 'no brainer' because we have all the skills and contacts to effectively address the issue. In essence, we simply dream up, popularize and set up profitable clean and green businesses for all the world to copy because they generate enormous wealth. Skeptics' claim that clean energy is impractical, extremely limited, and can prevent poor countries from rising (coal and oil will raise the poor?) ignores the proven ability of humans to apply and invent appropriate technologies to address problems at good profit. The happy prospect is, CO2 mitigation green-business style can channel trillions of dollars to employee masses, mega co-ops and participating companies worldwide. The profit motive should motivate all such entities, believers or skeptics alike including even the 'waxing rich' oil cartels, to engage in CO2 mitigation of which the side effects are creation of billions of jobs and expansion of world markets at quadrillion-dollar levels.
How plausible are the nightmares? According to studies, solar winds stripped away Mars' atmosphere and evaporated all of its unfrozen waters some three billion years ago due to said planet's weakening magnetic field. Mars is much farther than Earth from the sun at 227 million kilometers versus Earth's 150 million. If the sun can strip off Mars' atmosphere at a much farther distance, what more for the nearer Earth? Earth's ultra strong magnetic field is the observed protector, but its weak points (the Poles) are currently already giving away atmospheric electrons and atoms at Mars levels, according to scientific reports.
What may we then expect Earth to ultimately become? Very likely Mars-like, with its arid lands and CO2 atmosphere. Earth may still have some water but harbor voluminous atmospheric methane prior to total dry-up, said gas feeding peat fires that rage in million-hectare regions. Nitrous oxide from fires is 100 times more powerful than CO2 in trapping heat, hence assuring combustion of even ashes and cinders. Earthly hell cometh, unless humanity's present and future leaderships (which includes you and your friendship nets) begin to act on the climate change issue in earnest!
What's the timetable for planet Earth's demise given such conditions? It's not for us to speculate but only to prevent the frigid zones' releases of killer volumes of methane, expected to occur at geometric (ultra fast) rates. Scientists estimate the event beginning to occur within a few decades from now unless the planet's 700+ billion tons of resident CO2 plus 30-40 million tons more of the gas added yearly by human industries and transports are not entirely checked.
Currently, the data herein presented are hotly debated by various scientific and political groups. Suspected beneficiaries of oil and coal industries' billion-dollar political lobbying and media-targeted budgets present 'facts' which conclude no danger from global warming. Many 3rd World politicians also refuse to act on the issue as it presents an impediment against their countries' development dreams.
So what should we do? The wisest option for us (the masses) is to ignore the endless debates altogether and take action to address the issue. Considering the ultimate danger (extinction) for all humanity that 'pro-global warming' scientists warn everyone against (complete with graphs and statistics), we lay people should take action to be safe rather than sorry. If said scientists' interpretations of scientific data are 'all wrong' as skeptical scientists claim, our appropriate action will on the contrary benefit rather than endanger humanity and planet Earth. On the other hand, if the skeptical scientists turn out to be wrong, we and our unfortunate families and descendants all face 'excruciating and gasping death' within decades together with such erring scientists!
Our choice should be a 'no brainer' because we have all the skills and contacts to effectively address the issue. In essence, we simply dream up, popularize and set up profitable clean and green businesses for all the world to copy because they generate enormous wealth. Skeptics' claim that clean energy is impractical, extremely limited, and can prevent poor countries from rising (coal and oil will raise the poor?) ignores the proven ability of humans to apply and invent appropriate technologies to address problems at good profit. The happy prospect is, CO2 mitigation green-business style can channel trillions of dollars to employee masses, mega co-ops and participating companies worldwide. The profit motive should motivate all such entities, believers or skeptics alike including even the 'waxing rich' oil cartels, to engage in CO2 mitigation of which the side effects are creation of billions of jobs and expansion of world markets at quadrillion-dollar levels.
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