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Imperative 28: 9th vision: joint venture mega co-op resorts

    Ten or so Philippine mega co-ops may pool capital and set up one resorts-operating company in joint venture with foreign CSR companies and 1st World companies engaged in tourism, hotels and inns.  The joint venture company may thence apply for low-interest loans from Climate Change and World Aid Funds to cover 75% of project cost.  Loan repayments and interest should augment said green funds' budgets. Capital sharing for the resort joint ventures may be 60-40% (locals more) as required by Philippine law.  The resorts should be constructed near sites where BOT companies have set up mini dam hydropower chains, biogas power facilities and geothermal power plants that together produce gigagawatt-level electricity and are able to install power lines to resort facilities.  
    Every mega co-op with its 3,000-hectare (or larger) agro-forest may accommodate five or so joint venture forest resorts with waterfalls, swimming pools, mountaintop camping grounds, scenic mountain elevators, cable cars and zip lines, theme parks, and beachfront facilities in coastal sites.  All resorts should be equipped with high-rise hotels, retirees and tourists' serviced condos and backpackers' inns to accommodate all tourist types and ages.  All resort buildings have to be surrounded to roof deck level by 10-meter wide building 'jackets' with floors and walls that taper to the top, narrow walkways at floor edges, and vertical steel frames on walls for hanging garden planters.  All building roof decks should be similarly equipped with planters plus 'scenery viewing decks' at center for tourists. All planters are for growing salad greens, flowery plants, herbs and spices, veggies and table fruits, in effect converting the building walls into 'vertical gardens'.  Harvests are to be sold to resort restaurants and food shops to assure 'farmgate-fresh' greens, fruits and flowers for customers.  
    The building 'jackets' interiors may accommodate parking bays, gyms, billiard and table tennis halls, restaurants and retailing booths, electronic and play bays for kids, and storage rooms. All parks and sports facilities (basketball and volleyball courts, swimming pools, etc.), have to be similarly surrounded by 'flowers and greens' building 'cliffs' (as previously described) that rise to 60 or so meters.  Building and theme park clusters have to be equipped with 'elevated street parks' with flowery pergolas, electric carts for rent, concrete benches, fast food ordering booths with outdoor lounges, and play facilities for kids at intersections.  The ground level streets will thereby be freed of parked vehicles.  
    The resultant 'jacket greenery' buildings may hence become profitable double-sided 'vertical farms' while hiding the commercialized concrete structures to preserve the beauty of the forests.  The 'vertical farms' will also ensure preservation of the resort sites as enhanced-area farmlands instead of 'concrete jungles' if traditional resort designs are followed.  Complaints of loss of forest and farmland to concrete urban structures should hence have no basis when it comes to mega co-op forest resorts.  The described high-rise 'vertical farms' will even beat old-style farms in terms of profitability as they will yield organic greens, flowers and fruits on perpetual basis thru endless planting and harvest, especially since the Philippines has year-round sun.  The farms should also yield high profits even at low retailing prices because their markets will be the resorts' restaurants and fast food booths, 'condo retirees', tourists, employees, and nearby towns, obviating the need for cold storage, allowance for 'unsure markets', and long-distance transport budgets.
    Resort themes may be based on foreign partners' ideas, since said partners should recruit tourists mainly from their home countries.  Resorts intended for Muslim tourists should be in exclusive sites and provide facilities for conservative activities.  All resorts should also import and breed horses, ponies, donkeys and water buffaloes for tourists' horseback and wagon rides within forested areas and other sites.  Wide elevated 'concrete wood' streets for electric carts may be constructed at mid-height of certain forest canopy areas.  Bird feeders along strategic areas of said cartways should attract colorful tropical birds and small endangered species animals for tourists' amusement.  Mini zoos (no cages) for large vegetarian animals may be sited under forest canopies at ground level. 
    Filipino expatriate groups in over 100 countries may earn 'sideline' income by setting up tour agencies that sell 'internet friendship' tours of mega co-op resorts and other sites to their foreign contacts.  The offer: tourist prospects should initially form friendships with each other and Philippine employee and student clubs thru websites and blogs based on common interests, such as scuba, river kayak and canoe rowing, surfing, cave exploration, motorbike and coaster caravans, fiesta tours, eco-tourism, medical, wedding and honeymoon, resort-hopping via tour boat fleets, mountaineering, etc.  Concurrently, Philippine tourism outfits may offer weeks-long learning tours such as firearms handling, sports clinics, musical instruments, marital massage, forest or ocean survival, martial arts, ballroom dancing, tai-chi, yoga, Asian sculpture, boat sailing, Biology field trips and conversational English courses (for Pacific Rim grade school students), local business opportunities (for entrepreneurs), etc.  
    Internet friendship tours should provide much more fun than usual commercial tours where tourists hardly know each other.  The friendships may result to extended tours, tourist referrals to friends back home, and many tourist retirees enticed to buy or lease units in serviced condos located inside resorts.  Such retirees will discover that they will spend much less and experience much more fun thru resort condo hopping in the Philippines than if they vegetated within their expensive 1st World cities.  Reason: low-priced Philippine mega co-op resort condo and inn rentals get coupled with inexpensive organic, fresh, and cosmopolitan food served by the resorts' lessee food centers.
    Philippine business opportunities of all sorts should greatly multiply if all mega co-ops set up multiple joint venture resorts within their agro-forests nationwide.  Companies that operate airlines, medical services, land and water transports, emergency helicopter and ambulance services, short learning courses, internet and communication services, insurance, towns' bed and breakfast inns, retailing outlets, entertainment groups, bike and coasters for rent, tour boats, hotel and resort needs, gourmet restaurants, etc. should all find large and endless markets.  Retiree tourists with engineering or specialist skills may apply for consultancy or teaching positions in local universities and distance study colleges.  Other retiree tourists may set up businesses that provide products or services not yet available in local markets.
    As to positive environmental effects, the consequence is again perpetuity of benefits.  Since all humans with money love to roam around with friends especially given resort-style treatment, mega co-ops and their resorts will operate for all time, which means Philippine agro-forests existing in perpetuity. Mega co-op resorts' profitability will help ensure that funds are always provided to protect agro-forests against such old scourges as tree cutting activities by loggers, slash and burn farmers' destructive practices, fires caused by lightning, careless campers, hooligans and ranchers, unfounded title claims by land-hungry politicians, landlords, speculators and subdivision developers, as well as more fires instigated by rebels, bandits, squatters and reforestation contractors wanting more lucrative contract repeats.  Such irresponsible people who have destroyed half of Philippine reforested areas each year these past decades will become history once all Philippine uplands become well-defended agro-forests.  The permanence of the new thick greenery guarded by mega co-op employees working and living as household groups spread out all over agro-forests will help ensure endless conversion of billions of tons of atmospheric CO2 into sweet oxygen.  
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