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Imperative 24: 5th vision: 1st World CSR companies' upland cable transport systems

    Fast track reforestation and maximum efficiency upland farming and livestock raising on the Philippines' 18 million hectares of mountains that rise from 1,000 to 2,300 meters in height requires tiers of upland elevators, heavy duty cable lines with motorized cabs, and zip cable lines in strategic areas of every 3,000-hectare mega co-op agro-forest.  The elevator and cable transports should speed up delivery of personnel, farm tools, tree saplings for reforestation, crop harvests, construction materials, etc.  Vertical frame freight elevator systems may require a unit every 50 meters of an average 1,500 meter high mountainside cliff or carved 'notch' all the way to mountaintop.  Where slopes are at low degrees, roofed ramps should connect one elevator to another, enabling personnel and tools to be lifted to specific mountain heights for perpetual agro-forest operations throughout entire mountain ranges at minimal effort.  Strategic areas of mountain ranges should be provided with a set of such transport systems to enable conversion of entire upland ranges into permanent agro-forests.  Power for such transport systems may come from other joint venture or BOT companies' biogas facilities, mini hydropower chains and geothermal plants.     
    The expensive systems again require groups of 1st World CSR companies (including cable transport equipment manufacturers) to build such facilities on build-operate-transfer terms, with climate change Funds and international Aid agencies providing 75% of funding for equipment purchase.  To help defray operational costs, the co-op may require every BOT company to include construction of scenic elevators along seacoast and mountain cliffs and upland waterfall sites as well as elevated mid-tree level forest walkways with battery-powered carts for rent, themed forest parks and zoos as well as forest zip lines, all for tourism purposes. 
    All mega co-ops equipped with such facilities will make the entire upland Philippines a tourist destination, likely raising tourist numbers to some 50 million yearly versus the current 4 million or so each year.  Groups of mega co-ops may partner with groups of 1st World CSR companies for building forested resorts and mountaintop camping grounds (all equipped with amenities) within forest sites, plus 'non-commercialized' resorts along beachfront sites.  Upland elevators and cable cars are specially important for senior tourists which comprise a major part of tourist hordes worldwide.  Additionally, the joint venture resort companies should import and breed horses, ponies, donkeys, asses and buffaloes for tourist rides along low slope or valley areas of the forests.  All-terrain vehicles, riverboats and kayaks for rent (supplied by contractors) should also be standard offers.  Considering the Philippines' thousands of upland, lowland and beachfront tourist spots, tourism companies should make the country a center for resorts-hopping with fiesta and learning tours (short courses on firearms handling, yoga, martial arts, musical instruments, etc.).  Local and expatriate employee groups may set up said tourism and equipment-for-hire companies as well as inns, food catering services, restaurants, fast foods and health service outfits. 
     Lack of cable transports is one major reason why upland rural folk form a large part of the Philippine bottom poor.  Upland rural roads are scarce and usually rutted in a country where 60% of land area is mountainous.  Very few people try to farm the uplands due to the absence of roads, transports, water, electric power lines, technologies and other services taken for granted in the lowlands.  Yet the uplands can yield billions of dollars worth of all kinds of agri-products yearly that can be exported worldwide, in the process creating jobs for millions of bottom poor, including residents of city slums. Upland agro-forests can also absorb billion-ton levels of CO2 off the atmosphere.
    Without sufficient transport systems however, such visions of upland productivity will remain as wish lists. 1st World CSR 'intrapreneurship' should hence fill the need.  Groups of 1st World CSR corporations may partner with 1st World civil works companies to build Philippine upland toll roads on build-operate-transfer basis that initially connect with existing provincial roads and later form independent region-wide road systems that serve currently inaccessible areas of the country.  Concurrently, more 1st World CSR corporations may partner with elevator and cable systems construction companies in Japan, Korea, USA, South America and Europe to build Philippine BOT cable transport facilities.  Climate change Funds and State Aid organizations should provide long term loans at low interest to finance 75% of project cost to help in atmospheric CO2 reduction thru facilitation of agro-forest operations on perpetual basis.  The cable transport companies may be expected to earn profits over 10 to 15 years, during which period they will repay their loans, issue profit dividends, and recoup investments.  Thereafter, they have to transfer ownership to mega co-ops thru sale of capital shares to the co-ops, after which they should build more of the Funds-aided systems throughout the tropics.  For their part, the BOT beneficiary co-ops from start of operations should include within their service fees, a percentage that will provide for capital fund accumulation for future expansion throughout the tropics.  The co-ops will hence gain expansion capital without saving for it over decades, another source of wealth for masses of employee-shareholders and allied corporate investors.
    The described Philippine schemes should be expected to last for all time, and be copied by other tropical countries with large areas of uplands.  Since the desire of all involved to earn good income is perpetual, billion-ton level CO2 sequestration should become just as perpetual.
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