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Imperative 04: Warning! Human extinction looms within decades unless we act now!

    Considering the current apathy shown by most of humanity as to the global warming issue, the current 1 deg.C average rise above pre-industrial world temperature will very likely lead to a 2 deg. rise and very quickly, onward to 6 degrees before year 2100.  What will happen during this period?  Here are the fearsome projections advanced by a great number of the world's atmospheric scientists:
     1. At 2-3 deg.C rise, the following effects can only be expected: a) increasingly acidic oceans kill off corals that form the bases of marine food chains.  Translation: more hunger for subsistence fishermen's families and less seafood for all humanity; b) streams, rivers, lakes and exposed freshwater sources evaporate to levels that create near-permanent farmland droughts that create mass hunger for worldwide poor.  Crimes, rebellions and wars for remaining irrigable land, for water sources and for food become common planet-wide; c) ever-rising heat further melt already disappearing frigid zone ice.  Sea levels thereby rise by 4-6 feet, permanently flooding low-lying coastal areas of towns and cities worldwide; d) disappearance of greeneries and ocean acidification lead to extinction of 40% or more of animal and plant species.
    2. Nightmare scenarios come at 5-6 deg.C temperature rise.  The Earth's huge frigid zone ice and tundra regions, plus the continent-size Siberian, Arctic and Antarctic permafrosts together release their ice covers into the oceans.  Trillions of tons of methane thereby rise out of soggy soils, peat bogs and ice covers out of lands that were once forests and greens over millions of years during which such land masses drifted to the frigid poles due to plate tectonics. Methane as the natural product of rotting vegetation is 25 times more heat-trapping than CO2 and will degrade to CO2 within 12 years or so.  All oxygen-dependent life can only cease to exist within a few decades after such uncontrollable tipping point.  Methane is also highly flammable.  It will keep million-hectare underground dried-up peat bogs fiercely burning over hundreds of years.  A 'sample' for our time was the months of continuous underground fires suffered by Indonesia's 2.5 million-hectare peat regions in 2015.  Hell on earth can become reality!
    3. The worst is yet to come above 6 deg.C rise: Earth's atmosphere will greatly thicken and balloon as heat excites its gases.  Perpetual, super hot solar wind blowing around the Earth will strip enormous volumes off our planet's top atmospheric edges out towards space.  Planetary scientists have observed that the current rate of such atmospheric stripping by solar winds on planets Venus, Mars and Earth are about the same despite Earth's very strong magnetic field that acts as shield.  But the Earth's polar regions form huge funnels of weak magnetism where solar winds strip off part of Earth's atmosphere at Mars levels.  The earthly stripping is seen as the auroras Borealis and Australis (northern and southern lights) which are visible in parts of the USA, Canada, Greenland, Alaska, Iceland, Norway, Siberia and Antarctica, indicating the enormous volumes of atmospheric electrons and atoms blown away by solar winds towards empty space even now. The logical result?  Earth inexorably deteriorating to Mars status perhaps after year 2100 and onward!
    How do we prevent the occurrence of such nightmarish end of times?  We don't waste time now!  We have to burn the internet blogosphere, persuading all friends and contacts, plus networks of such friends and contacts, plus all their corporate, State, NGO and social contacts worldwide to access this blog as well as scientific climate change websites, discuss the issues, and plan for clean and green corporate business joint ventures in the 3rd World.  The stick formed by 'end of times' probabilities as well as the carrot of high 'sideline' income thru large-scale clean and green entrepreneurship should hence hastily form world-scale bandwagons that will prevent the fearsome demise of humanity and our planet's remaining majesty!
    (Read other posts: Press Up arrow, click 3 bars at top of page, click Labels, click your choice of topic)

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