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    This blog can bring you lifelong joys: (1) high 'sideline' income; (2) profitable bonding activities with your friendship networks; (3) large-scale business opportunities with friends and contact companies; (4) new multi-racial friendship nets; (5) new profitable skills learned; (6) great tropical vacations; (7) spiritual fulfillment in helping end global warming while creating jobs for hordes of 3rd World poor; (8) a heroic name bequeathed to generations of your familial line. 
     Incredibly, you and your friendship nets may attain all these mainly thru the magic of the internet!
    Start right now!  Read all the posts in this blog consecutively.  Then inform your friendship nets to read the posts as well.  The result may well be great bonding discussions and planning sessions thru your nets' blogs and websites.  As everyone repeats the bonding process among more friendship circles, your 'redeemer brigade' may very well form, make concerted plans, and actually move to 'fix the world' for good 'sideline' income.
    As discussion guide, this blog's post titles together comprise the abstract of this work.  Here they are, each as Imperative (Imp.).  
    Imp. 01: Time for business-based mass action to end global warming! (Presents the grave dangers of global warming, the tragedy of mass poverty, and a very promising potential solution based on the profit motive: mega co-op corporate groups.)
    Imp. 02: We should all know why Earth is heating up! (Discusses the climate change debates.  Sides with the Science that warns about the terrible fate that awaits humanity and Earth itself unless climate change is addressed by all the world's skills.) 
    Imp. 03: We have to popularize global warming causes and their mass-based solutions!  (Encourages the reader and his friendship nets to take global warming seriously and make an advocacy out of dreaming up climate change solutions.) 
    Imp. 04: Warning! Human extinction looms within decades unless we act now!  (Presents the frightening scenarios that scientists worldwide envision as a consequence of the current worldwide anemic action versus global warming.)
    Imp. 05: We must prevent Earth from becoming as dead as planet Mars!  (Presents the results of scientific researches on the 'lifetime' of the 'now dead' planet Mars, which started out like Earth but was killed by a blanket of greenhouse gases, a path now being trod by the irresponsible inhabitants of our beautiful planet.)
    Imp. 06: Let's 'drag' the world's employee masses towards climate change action!  (Challenges the reader to contemplate the climate change solutions presented in this blog discuss it with friends, and together dream up other options and improvements, culminating in organization and operation of 'green action for good income' chapters worldwide.)
    Imp. 07: We need to persuade skeptics as to climate change realities!  (Argues that climate change is a reality that needs no more debates, for it is better to 'jump off the rails of an onrushing train than debate on whether it is really coming'.) 
    Imp. 08: Major 1st World funds should finance clean and green investments in the 3rd World!  (Presents green project financing possibilities out of world governments' $100 billion UN Climate Change Funds and trillions more in 1st World Development funds which can be further expanded  'out of thin air' thru sale of sovereign bonds.)
    Imp. 09: A planet-scale problem requires immediate action by skilled masses worldwide! (Encourages the reader and his friendship networks to form green action chapters worldwide largely thru the internet.)
    Imp. 10: Mega co-op corporate groups should fast-track climate change action!  (Argues that the profit motive will fast track creation of 3rd World mega co-ops that each engages in joint ventures with 20-50 1st World techno corporations to set up 3rd World agroforests and innumerable green industries.)
    Imp. 11: World-scale mass action will  fast-track mega co-op corporate group formation! (The internet now enables the world's skilled masses (employees and managers) to set up mega co-op corporate groups to create jobs for bottom poor while earning dividends and small business profit shares.  The Philippines should be model country.)  
    Imp.12: Philippine employee masses should develop a large-scale corporate culture! (Philippine regimes' anti-poverty tactics should 'graduate' from 'doable' micro enterprises to world scale industries thru employee and managerial masses' emulation of world elites' big-business tactics.)
    Imp. 13: We should entice world capital into CO2 mitigation campaigns!  (Trillions of dollars in green funds and 1st World Development Aid to the 3rd World can build region-wide agroforests and green industries that create jobs for bottom poor.)
    Imp. 14: Banks' power to create money can facilitate climate change action! (1st World governments can create more trillions of dollars in interest-earning green funds thru sale of sovereign bonds to world markets.) 
    Imp. 15: Employees' Banks will greatly help in addressing global warming and mass poverty! (Just as elites set up banks as 'milking cows' to borrow trillions in deposits from the public for use in capitalizing or lending to their corporate groups, employee/managerial masses should set up their own 'milking cows' to build their mega co-op corporate groups.)
    Imp. 16: 1st World money creation should target 3rd World clean and green industries! (All governments together with private banks can create money 'out of thin air' by selling bonds or simply inputting electronic figures to borrower and lender accounts.  Theoretically therefore, mega co-ops' green projects should have no problem getting financing if they can show profitable project plans that promise quick repayment of green loans.)
    Imp. 17: We must build investment courage for clean and green projects worldwide!  (The key to sustained climate change action is profitability of clean and green projects and their ability to repay loans in due time.  Add joint venture and local management 'Names' and investment confidence grows towards green action.)   
    Imp. 18: 1st World CSR companies have to engage in clean and green 'intrapreneurship'! (Most large companies now have Corporate Social Responsibility programs that promise green action but deliver little.  Reason: CSR is viewed as a cost.  If mega co-ops show that CSR thru investment in green projects actually creates profits, green corporate 'intrapreneurship' should become tradition worldwide.) 
    Imp. 19: 1st vision: 2,000-hectare Philippine mega co-op agro-forest farms (Past reforestation efforts have failed in the Philippines because the projects proved unprofitable or even unsustainable due to paper-thin returns.  Mega co-op style agroforests with their hundreds of export-oriented product lines should change the picture and enable absorption of billions of tons of CO2 and methane yearly in the Philippines alone.)
    Imp. 20: State aid is critical to finance mega co-op feasibility studies and technical transfers (The  State should pass laws that convert personal income tax and half of corporate income tax and value added tax into mega co-op capital shares. Four-month salary loans to qualified employees should add to employee part-ownership of mega co-ops that each partners with scores of 1st World companies, ensuring enormous profits flowing towards the masses and creation of jobs for bottom poor for all time.)
    Imp. 21: 2nd vision: production of ethanol, sweeteners and ethanol-fueled vehicles (Ethanol distilled from sweet sorghum should provide cheap fuel for turbine power generators and all manner of land and water transports.  Cheap ethanol fuel will greatly reduce prices of all products while creating trillion-level profits for mega co-op operators and their masses of employee-owners.)
    Imp. 22: 3rd vision: mega co-op agro-forests' biogas-fueled power plants (Agroforests produce enormous volumes of farm wastes.  Processed in biogas digesters, the wastes exude methane gas which can power electric generators and prevent further addition of methane as global warming gas.  Spent wastes may be used as fertilizer for organic farming.)
    Imp. 23: 4th vision: 1st World CSR companies' upland water supply systems  (The Philippines' hundreds of upland streams and rivers may be dammed in sections and all their surroundings reforested to ensure year-round supply of water for agroforests while ending the terrible floods suffered by lowland peoples due to 20 or so typhoons hitting the country each year.) 
    Imp. 24: 5th vision CSR companies' BOT upland cable transport systems (Philippine uplands total 18 million hectares that average 1,500 meters in height.  Mega co-ops' agroforest operations will be facilitated by upland cable and elevator transports which can also serve as tourist transports, as all mega co-ops with agroforest operations will set up joint venture forest and beach resorts.)  
    Imp. 25: 6th vision: rural toll roads built by 1st World CSR companies (The Philippine government may sell billion-dollar green bonds to 1st World CSR  companies and governments and even invite joint ventures with local companies, all for creating rural roads which the Philippines badly lacks.  18 million hectares of mega co-op agroforests will need nets of rural roads that provide access to agroforests' processing and industrial factories and lead to export zones near city coasts.)
    Imp. 26: 7th vision: mega co-ops' feedlot-style contract raising of livestock  (Cattle, sheep and goat stocks in millions may be obtained 'free' by mega co-op agroforests thru contract breeding and growing arrangements with Australian and New Zealand ranchers at  50% offspring-sharing terms.  The scheme should build rural factories that export milk, cheese, meat, leather and other products as well as live animals to Muslim countries.) 
    Imp. 27: 8th vision: mega co-ops' contract production of organic meats (1st World Pacific Rim food companies may similarly engage in contract growing and processing of organic chicken, pork and duck as well as cattle, goats and sheep.  All factories and initial livestock must be financed by the foreign partners and built by mega co-op/local joint venture construction companies.
    Imp 28: 9th vision: joint venture mega co-op resorts (Mega co-op joint ventures with world-scale resort and hotel operators may create world-class and budget forest and beach resorts in various themed designs based on racial cultures.  Nationwide resorts will spawn island-hopping tour boat fleets, food-based businesses, tourism agencies, hotels and inns, and hosts of businesses large and small that yield enormous wealth for mega co-ops and local operators as well as jobs in millions for bottom poor.)
    Imp. 29: 10th vision: mega co-op sites for foreign satellite schools (Elementary and High Schools in the crowded cities of Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and Coastal China will very likely agree to 50-year renewable leases of agroforest resort-school and condo sites in the Philippines.  Reason: low prices of foods and services, clean air, year-round resort-hopping nationwide, and condos for visiting relatives, retirees and their hauled tourists.)
    Imp. 30: 11th vision: build-operate-transfer mini hydropower chains  (Once mega co-ops convert all Philippine uplands into agroforests, upland and lowland waters will flow year-round countrywide.  Stream and river nets may then be dammed, each in sections to create hundreds of hydropower plants that produce cheap trillion-watt power for rural industries.) 
    Imp. 31: 12th vision: ASEAN Festival Malls worldwide (ASEAN Festival malls in 1st World cities should serve as sales outlets for all ASEAN mega co-op and corporate products and services as well as recruiters of tourists and joint venture entrepreneurs to expand ASEAN economies.)
    Imp. 32: ASEAN Festival Malls should attract buying masses worldwide (Cultural songs, dances, choir presentations and night discos and ballroom dances with gourmet 'street' foods in ASEAN mall atriums should keep local crowds coming.  Consequent friendships among locals and mall personnel  will create armies of tourists and local seekers of business opportunities throughout ASEAN.)
    Imp. 33: 1st World companies' joint ventures with ASEAN mega co-ops (Trillion-watt cheap power created by mega co-ops' ethanol, hydropower and geothermals will attract all manner of 1st World factories to the Philippines for joint venture contract production that target world-scale sales including the 600 million-strong ASEAN market.  Inter-coop joint ventures among ASEAN employee masses and 1st World techno companies will identify industries based on natural resources and in due time industrialize all ASEAN, lifting its bottom poor masses up to the middle classes.)  
    Imp. 34: 13th vision: Filipino expatriate groups' clean and green 'sideline' businesses  (Some 10 million Filipinos working abroad as nurses, factory and plant employees, mariners and househelps may form mega co-op linked 'sideline' companies that supply hospitals, food companies, ship chandlers and factory canteens with organic food ingredients, nutraceuticals, and anti-oxidants as preventives versus hypertension, diabetes, and obesity.  Other 'sideline' companies: food stores for househelps, tour agencies, hair and beauty salon equipment hire, appliance and gadget repairs, etc.)   
    Imp. 35: 14th vision: 1st World CSR companies' Philippine geothermal plants  (The Philippines has over a hundred potential geothermal plant sites which when developed will create trillion-watt level cheap power, a sure attractor for thousands of 1st World factories, since power is a major factory expense.)
    Imp. 36: 15th vision: mega co-ops' joint venture clean mines  (Mega co-ops and the Philippine government should buy capital control in all current Philippine mines which are mostly foreign-owned and don't care about the environment.  The country's magnetite sands which Chinese companies are mining to 'extinction' should also be extracted only by mega co-op steel-making plants.)  
    Imp. 37: 16th vision: mega co-ops' electric-powered steel and alloy mills  (Mega co-op consortiums' joint ventures with steel makers in Italy, USA, Japan or South Korea should set up electric-powered mini steel mills and parts-making plants that will help fully industrialize rural Philippines.  Cheap power will make Philippine steel and metal parts industries highly profitable and able to employ millions of bottom poor.)
    Imp. 38: 17th vision: mega co-ops' electric vehicles manufacturing industries  (Mega co-op joint ventures with 1st World companies that manufacture e-bikes, e-trolleys, electric light railways, upland elevators and cable lines, and electric cars with replaceable batteries will add millions more jobs for bottom poor and trillions in wealth to all involved companies and employee masses.)
    Imp. 39: 18th vision: mega co-ops' elevated urban streets for bikes and e-bikes (Mega co-op consortiums' joint ventures with 1st World construction companies and e-bike manufacturers should build elevated urban streets for said transports to greatly reduce heavy ground traffic and air pollution as well as commuters' travel time and expenses.) 
    Imp. 40: 19th vision: mega co-ops' elevated railways with E85-fueled auxiliary power generators  (Mega co-op consortiums' joint ventures with 1st World construction companies and light railway manufacturers may build elevated railways nationwide all powered by cheap electricity.  In case of emergency, ethanol-powered generators aboard the trains will ensure uninterrupted trips.  Elevated railways prevent the hundreds of deaths and maimings typical of current ground-level railway crossings in the Philippines.)
    Imp. 41: 20th vision: 1st World 'dirty power' factories' expansion to 'clean power' Philippines (The major reason for the Mega Co-op Movement's campaign to generate trillion watt-level electric power is to attract 1st World factories into the Philippines.  Ultra-cheap power, low taxes, State support, 'clean' government, English speaking local workers, a democratic culture, world markets thru ASEAN Festival malls, and the satisfaction of helping save the planet thru green operations should serve as major attractors.)
    Imp. 42: 21st vision: internet referendum Congress versus corruption (I-Congress Part 1 of 3) (This Part reveals just  a few of the billion-peso corruption cases which were so big they did not escape the public eye.  Unfortunately, none of the perpetrators were served justice to full extent.  To estimate the true cost of corruption in the Philippines, one has to review endless media reports on the issue, which form 'just a tip of a continent-sized iceberg' as some minority politicians claim.)
    Imp. 43: Identifying root causes of corruption should lead to preventive solutions (I-Congress Part 2 of 3)  (Much of the Philippines over 60 million Primary to Elementary level bottom poor rely on politicians to somehow improve their lot.  The latter have no choice but to comply or lose votes.  This and other traditions that make corruption a necessity in a poor country may be remedied by an I-Congress of 60k retired officers of top corporations and sectoral organizations.  Business minds are much more capable of creating jobs and  'enriching' the bottom masses than old-style politicians who are mostly lawyers experienced only in regulation.  Only when the bottom masses get jobs that afford education and middle class status will the entire mass become responsible voters that make corruption a near impossibility.)
    Imp. 44: How an I-Congress may create a corruption-free Philippines (I-Congress Part 3 of 3) (Describes the ways by which I-Congress as 'democratic meritocracy' will manage the Philippine economy in the manner of world elites' long-proven business strategies and tactics, but this time with democratic principles thrown in for good measure.) 
    Imp. 45: 22nd vision: I-Congress anti-poverty laws (Laws that enable employee masses to obtain 'free' capital, to channel half of billion-peso yearly corporate income tax towards mega co-op capital, set up Research and Development systems for endless creation of new products and technologies, and other programs that enrich the masses can only be passed by an I-Congress that makes old-style 'wealth only to elites' political systems an impossibility. 
    Imp. 46: I-Congress laws versus high inflation, State profligacy and nationwide over borrowing (Unlike in 'stable-prices' 1800s USA, government spending way beyond earning capability is now standard worldwide.  The result is long-term deterioration of mass purchasing power (inflation) and mass poverty in the 3rd World.  I-Congress laws that base State budgets on past GDP rates, that set up a People's Precious Metals Market as price stabilizer, and other preservers of currency purchasing power should put a stop to the centuries-old scourges.)
    Imp. 47: State/business synergy and judicial efficiency thru I-Congress laws (Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore prospered thru joint planning by State and business sectors as 'one corporation' versus the business world.  In the Philippines, State and business sectors had been almost antagonists except for political-linked companies.  Result: Japanese GDP in the '90s hovered at at around $7 trillion/year vs. a pitiful $100 billion yearly for the Philippines.  The Philippine lawmaking and justice systems had been just as 'business unfriendly', scaring away foreign investors with their ultra-expensive 'facilitation fees' and hordes of regulations.  I-Congress laws and programs should reverse such poverty-worsening cultures.)   
    Imp. 48: 23rd vision: ocean phytoplankton fertilization versus global warming (OPF, Part 1 of 3) (Ocean phytoplankton are among the most efficient in absorbing C02 and count among the fastest multiplying organisms especially along coastal waters rich in land-supplied fertilizers.  Off-coast 'blue' ocean waters (some 70% of all seawater) however harbor insufficient populations of the creatures due to lack of fertilization.  World-scale programs to address the issue must be created to absorb world-scale atmospheric C02 loads.)  
    Imp. 49: Ocean phyto fertilization methods (OPF, Part 2 of 3) (Scientists have already defined the fertilization requirements of oceanic phytoplankton.  They have observed the rise of fish populations whenever phytoplankton blooms appear.  What's needed now are fertilization processes that are so profitable all the world's fishing outfits will implement them over centuries, in the process reducing atmospheric CO2 to great degree.)
    Imp. 50: Planet-scale wealth from ocean phyto fertilization (OPF, Part 3 of 3)  (Just as in all global cooling schemes discussed in this blog, humanity's natural 'urge to earn' can motivate armies of commercial oceanic fishery outfits to work with international scientific bodies towards routine fertilization of the world's blue waters to create phytoplankton blooms that feed enormous volumes of  fishes and marine animals.  Fishery outfits that consequently earn billions of dollars thru regulated (for endless breeding) harvests will surely stay with the business until kingdom come, which means global warming finally coming to an end.)  
    Imp. 51: It should all start with world-scale promotions!  (Mega co-op tactics presented in this blog will amount to nothing unless popularized in the Philippines and everywhere else.  The ultra-expensive exercise requires crowd funding initially for Philippine operations.  This post tells how.)
          Now more than ever, the world needs heroes, for the issue is no less than extinction of humanity within mere decades! You and your friendship nets just have to lead! 
       (Read other posts: Press Up arrow, click 3 bars at top of page, click Labels, click your choice of topic)

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