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Imperative 51: It should all start with world-scale promotions!

    What should be humanity's prime target these days?  It's avoidance of the coming end of times: human extinction before year 2100.  That is, unless the world's skilled masses become able to sequester majority of some 700 billion tons of long-resident CO2 within Earth's atmosphere, plus 36-40 million tons more of the gas ejected by world industries and transports each year.  Concurrently, some five billion 3rd World poor need to be given good jobs as well so they may participate in setting up sufficient numbers of mega co-op joint venture groups that will create clean and green industries able to bring down Earth's atmospheric CO2 to pre-industrial levels.  As one among the world's skilled masses who form the only capable sector towards attaining such planet-scale ends, YOU now hold the fate of humanity in your hands, like it or not.  Why?  Because if you depend on politicians and others like most everyone else as usual, hardly any truly effective action will ensue, as recent history has shown.
    What should you do?  First you should affirm daily that you have to set all humanity to action mode, for no one else will.  Then you must actualize and improve upon the following vision: a) you discuss matters with all your friends and contacts by first referring them to this blog and following up later with discussions that deepen friendship bonds and create a 'messianic' resolve among your network members; b) thru discussions, your friendship nets improve upon the principles and action imperatives in this blog.  Each member then repeats said exercises with his or her friendship groups from kindergarten times to present, thereby helping build your expanding networks; c) your growing brigade of potential saviors, most of them employees, persuade all their contact companies to engage in clean and green joint ventures or build- operate-transfer arrangements with mega co-ops in the 3rd World tropics, starting with the Philippines.  Your brigade should also dream up group businesses based on production contracting or supply of products and services to said joint ventures.  The target has to be good income for all participants as they practice inter-racial altruism.  Scores of potential high-profit Philippine businesses are already presented in this blog, and your friendship nets should add scores more.  All discussions should largely happen within blogs and websites, so expenditures may be minimal.
    What's next?  Since the strategies and tactics herein presented are almost totally unknown outside of this blog, your brigade of saviors has to target popularization of said 'seed ideas' within your home country as well as in the Philippines, other developing countries with large internet-enabled populations, and especially among 1st World employee and managerial masses.  All the discussions (again thru blogs and websites) should result to formation of a general mass-based strategy and related tactics that are acceptable to everyone, hence easy to implement.
    How may the campaign pan out in the Philippines?  Unfortunately, over 60% of 110 million Filipinos are Primary and Elementary level, and at this stage, only a small percentage of the 41 million or so of the country's internet users are even aware of climate change issues, as most of them (largely youngsters) engage mainly in socials and games.  Those aware (employee masses) have often indicated that only corporations, governments and 1st World organizations can actually solve climate change.  Truly effective mass-based solutions are currently at zero level, except those presented in this blog. Solutions herein presented however initially require a complete overhaul of Philippine governmental systems which is only possible if majority of 60 million Filipino voters get sold to the Mega Co-op Movement's political tactics. Constitutional change should create effective anti-poverty laws, including creation of an Internet Congress of 60,000 top retired corporate and sectoral brains. Corruption cannot exist when contractors cannot afford bribing hordes of 'top names', thereby facilitating mega coop-based mass solutions to mass poverty and global warming.  At the outset however, over 60% of Filipino voters being grade school level will require a massive, well-funded, team-based promotions activity.  Said enterprise is critical as catalyst towards the conversion of the country's College level employees, retirees and students into team-based mentors to the grade school level voters during weekends (in cities) and holidays (in members' provinces).   
    How may the promotions enterprise conduct such 'near-impossibilities'?  Here are the ways:
    a) Print leaflets and books in English, Tagalog and other local vernaculars which explain  the mega coop-focused concepts herein presented to local masses (the great majority) who have no internet access.  Prepare computer-based video presentations as well.
    b)  Set up mall and commercial center booths nationwide whereby each booth's three-person team explains mega co-op concepts thru standees and computer displays, and sell said leaflets and books together with promo items.  City malls are where employee masses, retirees, College students and expatriates on vacation congregate, so the teams should be able to convert such prospective 'redeemers' into mega co-op proponents, organizers and campaigners.  Seminar teams (attendee fees required) should address further questions and doubts.  The 'huge sideline income' potential concurrent with helping end global warming and mass poverty issues have to be constantly inculcated among potential recruits.  The need to form Mega Co-op Movement chapters should always be added to discussion topics. The mall and seminar teams should likewise persuade converted employee groups to spend weekends and holidays in each member's native province for conducting teach-ins among relatives, rural leaderships and voters.  For such potential recruiters, the prospect of saving the planet and raising the poor while earning 'sideline' income aside from creating hordes of new friends and contacts and enjoying the countryside should warrant self-financing of such adventures. 
    c) Set up Promotions Enterprise staff which will link up local pre-coop organizations with interested 1st World employee groups and CSR companies thru blogs and websites.  Target: 1st World groups to partner with local groups based on project interests, and in due time plan for and design future joint ventures such as described in this blog.  All groups should persuade their companies to engage in clean and green joint ventures initially in the Philippines and later throughout the 3rd World tropics.
    d) Assign Promo Enterprise teams to track local radio and TV reporters and commentators and convert them to the mega  co-op system so they may regularly air their views to the public, conduct 'forums on air' and 'sell' the need to form Mega Co-op Movement chapters towards attainment of good 'sideline' incomes.
    e) Form and train teams that will conduct provincial saturation campaigns to explain the mega co-op system to rural people's organizations (parents/teachers, employee groups, labor unions, religious, civic, transport and farmers organizations, multi-purpose co-ops, public market stallholders, provincial State agencies, College instructors and students, upland tribes, etc.) as well as 'Barangays' (village governments).  Rural public market audio visual street campaigns with team follow-ups in residential villages should be a prime promo tactic to 'catch and herd' grade school level voters.
    f) Set up a weekly magazine publication where all groups may discuss mega co-op and Movement matters for the benefit of people (the great majority) who have no internet access.  Magazine copies should be sold thru the promotion enterprise's mall booths and roving teams that conduct 'teach-ins' among rural and urban communities. 'Barangays', civic, social and religious organizations and news stands may serve as magazine outlets as well. 
    g) Publish all such mega co-op Movement activities over an Enterprise website and the magazine to inspire increasing numbers of local and 1st World employee groups and CSR companies into setting up mega co-op joint venture companies.  The website should also update foreign support groups and potential joint venture partner corporations as to the status of the Movement.
    Who will set up and manage the promotions enterprise, and where will its operational funds come from?  The author as currently the most knowledgeable about the mega co-op system has to perform the initial organizational and management functions for the promotions stage.  Funds may come from the author's Question and Answer service as follows: a) all interested may submit questions to e-mail address  b) friendship nets may contribute small change to total $100 each for sending to author Fermin B. Francisco, Banco de Oro savings account No.    via Xoom, Remitly, Cebuana Lhuillier, TransFast or other money transfer companies (Google their websites) serving the Philippines.  $100 will authorize the friendship group to send 20 questions to be answered by the author or his staff via email.  Consequent cyber and eyeball discussions among Q&A participants should strengthen friendship bonds and group resolve to 'earn while fixing the world'. 
    In the same manner, World CSR companies may send batches of questions at $100 per set of 20 questions, then publish the Q&A exercises for their employees' to mull over.   Employee participants will likely recommend profitable joint venture project choices to said companies' managements who may thence form 'intrapreneurship' teams for deeper studies and joint venture action.   
    Local (Philippine) employee groups may e-mail the author and ask for e-mail addresses of 1st World employee groups who have engaged in Q&A sessions with the author.  Target: develop local and foreign friendship bonds that will lead to practical plans for joint venture businesses, whether corporate or group based.  Philippine and 1st World business, social, cultural, political and other conditions differ from each other.  Only direct discussions among potential joint venture partners will determine what profitable business lines the groups and their companies may establish.  
      Local friendship groups and CSR companies may engage in the described Q&A exercise at P500 per 20 questions.  Said CSR companies must thereafter publish all Q&A items for their employees and contacts to debate on.  Local money transfer companies' websites may be googled as well.
    The fees shall further provide funding for future Promo Enterprise services linking Philippine and 1st World CSR companies (that plan on setting up joint ventures), with Philippine expert teams who may serve as consultants from planning to operations stages.  Linkages with Philippine specialists in agriculture and forestry, agri-products processing, organic farming, co-op registration,  State land use requirements, water resources, pre-marketing, State aid (tax breaks, investment incentives) etc., may be provided by Promo Enterprise personnel once sufficient resources are raised.
    In closing, let us recall what our common God-given ethic instincts and Earthly experiences reveal to us: we have been designed not to become miserable creatures suffering from the limitations of body and planet but to be happy on Earth thru lifetime practice of mutual help.  The proof is your personal experiences.  Whenever you helped someone in need, you felt a consequent joy of spirit, just as the recipient of your help experienced joys within himself that can last over a lifetime of remembering. All human virtues (charity, mutual help, caring, goodwill, benevolence, justice, altruism, etc.) form a set of God-given 'happiness instincts' that humans can access anytime and anywhere they wish. The best of these is mutual help (especially the creation of jobs), as it gives not only joys but dignity as well to the person helped. Mutual help also obligates the receiver to return the favor sometime, thus creating chains of joys.  Therefore, the Creator by 'programming' a set of ethic instincts within each human, designed us all to be happy on Earth, but only if we choose to.  He did not design a 'misery instinct' within us, or punish us as 'test' or for whatever other reasons, as many people presume.  Misery is simply the absence of happiness, not God's scourge.  To convert misery to happiness, we must use our talents and gifts according to the requirements of our ethic instincts, which yield happiness without fail. 
    With such sources of happiness as divine gifts comes a related divine gift: logic-based power of thought.  The Creator hence expects us to realize that if a person's good act makes him happy, logic rules that a lifetime practice of more such acts will make him a permanently happy and spiritually fulfilled character. Since a set of ethic instincts and power of logic are ingrained within all humans as God's gifts, basic divine design for humanity gets revealed: happiness for all humans while still on Earth thru the power of free choice, another divine gift.  Unfortunately, such gifts have not been fully utilized by humanity, as history proves.  Misery ruled the earth over centuries because most humans have failed to realize and use their 'happiness instincts' to benefit each other over their lifetimes.  
    Humanity can however still catch up with fulfilling divine design, on 'big time' basis.  Mutual help thru inter-racial job creation with consequent profit shares in return, practiced as lifetime habit by all humanity should create what all humans have always wanted: peace and happiness on Earth. 
    Let us therefore claim our divine birthright.  Let  us consider money as 'tool for good', not as 'root of all evil' as many traditions have long preached, largely as a consequence of elite history.  The side effect (global cooling) should lengthen all humanity's stay on Earth as a source of lifetime joys and spiritual fulfillment.  Indeed the profit motive, which has been much maligned by religions and cultures over centuries, when applied based on human ethic instincts in order to benefit the masses, can potentially lead all humanity to Heaven!   
    (Read other posts: Press Up arrow, Click 3 bars at top right of page, click Labels, click your choice of topic)

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