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Imperative 33 : 1st World CSR companies' joint ventures with ASEAN mega co-ops

    How may ASEAN mega co-ops create enormous volumes of products for ASEAN Festival Malls worldwide?  Here's the vision: a) Mega co-ops use political power to acquire land use rights to thousand-hectare denuded plots from State.  Terms: perpetual basis so long as mega co-ops convert the lands into agro-forests for all eternity; b) Mega co-ops build an ASEAN-wide ethanol production industry with sweet sorghum as feedstock; c) Mega co-ops partner with 1st World CSR companies and flex-fuel vehicle manufacturers to set up ASEAN flex fuel vehicles industries; d) Concurrent with the three previous activities, joint ventures or build-operate-transfer agreements between ASEAN mega co-op consortia and 1st World corporate consortia construct mini hydropower nets, geothermal plants, biogas digesters, solar cell, and wind powered electricity generators in increasing numbers to gradually end the region's dependence on petrochemical-based fuels for industrial and transport needs; e) The presence of trillion-watt power all over ASEAN should help to establish joint venture industries region-wide that manufacture electric vehicles and create urban/rural charged-batteries replacement stations for extending battery range to 'infinity';  fOther joint venture 1st World companies build ASEAN rural factories for manufacturing farm machines, irrigation equipment,  boats and inter-island vessels, etc., all of them powered by engines fueled by E85 blend (85% ethanol, 15% gasoline).  
    The activities' targets?  Address most of ASEAN countries' poverty-creating problems, such as ultra-high transport costs, scarcity of transports in rural areas, severe scarcity of jobs, ultra-low rural salaries and farm incomes, and absence of large-scale businesses in rural areas due to near-zero electric power and water facilities in wide regions of said areas.  
    Concurrent with all said activities, (our vision continues), other 1st World companies descend upon ASEAN mega co-op agro-forest regions to build toll roads, mini dam hydropower chains, geothermal plants, biogas power facilities, river and seacoast ports, airports, telecoms facilities and water supply systems, all on build-operate-transfer terms.  70-75% of project costs comprising imported equipment and materials mostly supplied by the partner foreign companies are provided by billion-dollar climate change Funds contributed by world governments as well as 1st World Aid funds and international development banks.  All loans are long-term at very low interest for the sake of saving humanity and planet Earth from the disastrous effects of global warming.  
    The projects' service fees and prices have to include a percentage to provide for installment payments towards final purchase of said facilities and infrastructures by mega co-ops.  Once purchases are completed, stock shares (ownership rights) are distributed free on equal basis to all mega co-ops serviced by the utilities.  Since all such mega co-ops are owned by employee masses, wealth in trillions of dollars should flow among the masses instead of towards a few elites as is usual in traditional ASEAN local/foreign business partnerships. The scheme hence addresses an ASEAN 'fixture': stratospheric wealth and power gaps between the elite few and some 600 million citizen masses.
    Throughout the duration of said period, (the vision goes on), mega co-ops plant their thousand-hectare lands to hardwoods and softwoods, oil palms, coconut and other palms, fruit trees and forage trees, etc., on 'island patches' style to provide firebreaks and windbreaks, thereby minimizing the devastation caused by fires, typhoons and floods which are too common within the region.  All trees are planted on mixed-species basis to prevent the spread of plant diseases and insect pests that will otherwise be prevalent if mono-culture plantation farming is adopted.  Certain ground areas within the forest patches get fenced to form feedlots for cattle, sheep, swine, goats, turkey, range chicken, ducks, deer, ostrich, etc. Livestock-raising is thru contract growing with international companies engaged in food production. The areas between the forested patches get planted to such ground crops as sweet sorghum, corn, rice, potatoes, peanuts, stevia, forage grasses, melons, etc.  Such farming design enables the mega co-ops to produce thousands of types of processed products at export volume levels able to supply ASEAN Festival malls worldwide as well as regular wholesaling and contract growing outlets planet-wide.
    As the BOT power plants generate trillion-watt level electricity, large mega co-op consortia form more joint venture companies with other 1st World corporations to build all-electric mini steel mills, parts-making plants, chemical and drug industries, and factories that manufacture all sorts of consumer and industrial products.  Thus the malls will sell not only ASEAN industrial production but mega co-op 1st World partners' 'non-joint venture' products as well.  In due time, ASEAN Festival Malls should learn to form networks of retailing outlets worldwide thru joint venture and franchising agreements with local entrepreneurial groups from 1st World to developing, and down to 3rd World countries.  Wealth in quadrillions of dollars will thereby flow among ASEAN masses incident to their high salaries and ownership of stacks of capital shares in mega co-ops.  Such shares should issue dividends while rising in market value as the mega co-op corporate groups they represent repay billion-dollar debts.  Concurrently, the masses' small-group businesses that engage in contract production or supply of materials and services to mega co-ops will further expand mass wealth.  Some 500 million Elementary level ASEAN poor hence rise thru employment, education for job promotion and team inventions. and ability to afford mega co-op capital shares thru State loans and channeling of income taxes towards purchase of mega co-op shares. Educated masses will know how to curtail the powers of old-style politicians and elites thru mass action and establishment of institutions that foster democracy, thereby ending centuries of ASEAN wealth and power disparities.  Logically, ASEAN shall become a model for other regional groupings of 3rd World countries towards finally ending mass poverty while addressing global warming and the grave dangers it portends.  Such dreams should become targets for ASEAN and all its allies.
     What are the benefits for all humanity?  Currently, almost all ASEAN nations rely mainly on hydrocarbons (coal, oil, natural gas) for their power: Thailand at 100%, Malaysia 82%, Myanmar 66%, Vietnam 60%, Cambodia 38%, Singapore 89%, Philippines 51%, Brunei 100% (per internet reports).  Only Laos and Indonesia have managed to stick to clean fuel at 100% thru hydropower, biogas, solar, biomass, and geothermal, although Indonesia exports enormous volumes of oil and natural gas to other countries.  
    The green power sources previously described should change the picture. ASEAN green power sources and industries should enable the region to develop economically without adding more billion-ton volumes of CO2 and other greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.  ASEAN agro-forests should be 'inhaling' billion-ton yearly levels of CO2 and replacing them with oxygen. All mega co-op joint venture investors and creditors (employee masses, corporations, governments, Funds, banks, etc.) should be earning high dividend or interest incomes plus rises in value of their share certificates as mega co-op groups repay their billion-dollar loans.    
    Finally, thru the 'remedies' herein presented, ASEAN's economically rising 600 million-strong population should become a huge market for all the world's companies.  Mega co-ops' expansion to the rest of the 3rd World thru inter-coop joint ventures should further expand the new buying masses to six billion or more.  Currently, such dreams should form bases for 1st World companies fighting it out tooth and nail over super-saturated 1st World markets to begin planning for new green business lines in the 3rd World.  Economic democracy should be a permanent feature of all races.  The grave dangers presented by global warming should serve as prods for all the world's corporations, governments and skilled masses to initiate urgent action instead of engaging in endless debates regarding what is obviously already forthcoming: the end of times for all humanity!
    How may the world's socially-oriented employee masses and companies begin the redemptive process?  At the outset, all interested in discussing the issues presented in this blog and improving on them thru websites and blogs should serve as action starters.  Potential cyber participants for the promotion and discussion processes are legion.  Per CIA reports, ASEAN internet users come in millions: Singapore at 82 million (M); Malaysia 71M, Brunei 69M, Vietnam 53M, Philippines 41M, Thailand 39M, Indonesia 22M, Myanmar 22M, Laos 18M, and Cambodia 9M.  Currently, most such users are interested only in social interaction, but once vanguard employee groups manage to inject the clean and green ideals and tactics herein presented, powerful bandwagons may be expected ASEAN-wide which will ultimately unite much of the world's skilled masses towards concerted action.  Hence, all humanity should in due time become their own redeemers!
    (Read other posts: Press Up arrow, click 3 bars at top of page, click Labels, click your choice of topic)

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