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Imperative 31 : 12th vision: ASEAN Festival Malls worldwide

    How may we fast-track the greening of Southeast Asia's denuded regions thru ASEAN Festival Malls?  Since climate change is humanity's problem, the world's governments, corporations and employee masses have to support the 3rd World tropics' green mega co-ops from planning stage to their world-scale production and marketing endeavors.  Doing so will help provide the funds (out of profits) that will protect and care for all mega co-op agro-forests for all eternity.  Fortunately, the ten-nation Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is already well-organized for development purposes.  Thru blogs and websites, environment-conscious employee masses and companies worldwide should now promote the vision of ASEAN peoples, governments and companies setting up and operating thousands of mega co-op joint venture groups that build agro-forests and green rural factories in Southeast Asia and the rest of the tropics.  However, mega co-op success even with ASEAN alone will create a planet-scale problem: how to sell the resultant voluminous production, since ASEAN markets are exceedingly small.
    Why pick ASEAN as initial regional action center?  Reasons: a) Currently, almost all major ASEAN companies are joint ventures between 1st World companies and local elites.  Familiarity will make the partnering exercise easier, but this time mega co-ops should replace elites as joint venture partners in order to economically democratize ASEAN populations which suffer scandalously wide wealth gaps; b) ASEAN Festival Malls set up worldwide will mean automatic worldwide sales and profits for 1st World joint venture companies' products, ASEAN-sourced or not; c) Currently, ASEAN factory salaries are half to 2/3 that of their Chinese equivalents.  1st World companies that have been partnering with Chinese entrepreneurial groups since 1980s should hence find more profit in decamping or expanding towards ASEAN countries;  d) ASEAN electricity currently comes from a mix of petrochemicals, hydropower, coal, geothermal and some solar, wind and biomass.  Coal and petroleum fuels dominate.  ASEAN joint ventures may gradually replace the area's petrochemical and coal fuels with ethanol (E85), mini-hydropower, geothermal, biofuels, solar, and wind, all at good profit for all and at great benefit for all humanity; e) Chinese factories flood world markets with consumer products.  Most of their technologies were provided by 1st World joint venture companies which were attracted by China's 1.3 billion consumer market.  Well, ASEAN has 600 million potential buyers, and ASEAN Festival Malls may multiply the figure ten times by setting up marketing networks worldwide. As the marketing gurus say, availability of appropriate products at all times in strategic locations spells marketing success. 1st World companies' ASEAN-based joint venture profits may hence rise as said mantra spreads worldwide thru ASEAN Festival Malls;  f)  ASEAN nations have adopted varying degrees of democracy, are mostly tolerant of multiple races, cultures and religions, do not harbor ultra-authoritarian and nationalistic regimes, and welcome foreign investors thru numerous incentives.  The need to end mass poverty has mellowed authoritarian rule in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Burma.  Corruption in ASEAN varies in degrees (Singapore exempted) but it can be minimized on permanent basis thru ASEAN peoples setting up their own Internet Congresses and adopting Contract Approval by Referendum as described elsewhere in this blog.  
    Said remedies have to be popularized among ASEAN skilled masses to fast-track reforestation and 'green industrialization' of the entire region.  One study estimated ASEAN internet users at around 426 million,  Most of such users are believed to be millenials (youngsters) interested only in internet games and socials.  The remainder however should represent urban employees and professionals, many of whom are aware of environmental and economic issues and discuss them in various degrees.  1st World and ASEAN employee groups who believe in mega co-op solutions should reach out among such potential 'savior masses', especially their institutional leaderships still unaware of effective (mass-based) climate change solutions.  Once persuaded, such 'serious' blog and website crowds should attract even employee millenials into forming bandwagons that will build new ASEAN mega co-ops and their Festival Malls worldwide.
    All such factors should persuade 1st World employee masses to persuade their companies to set up green joint ventures in ASEAN which would include ASEAN Festival Malls set up worldwide, for both profit and social responsibility purposes.  All such joint ventures should greatly help in staving off the prospect of a terrible end of times for our beloved Earth before year 2100. 
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