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Imperative 03: We have to popularize global warming causes and their mass-based solutions!

    Here are more causes of continuing global warming which most of humanity are currently unaware of, and which we must therefore popularize: 
    1. Human efforts at CO2 mitigation have so far yielded puny effects.  Most of humanity's current carbon mitigation action address prevention of more additions to some 700 billion tons of CO2 already in the atmosphere.  Unfortunately, such action have sequestered only a few billion tons out of such gas over the past decades.  Instead, human industries and transports keep adding some 36-40 million tons more CO2 to the atmosphere each year, thus further expanding the volume and raising the temperature of Earth's already hot water vapor blanket.
    3. Heated water vapor is the principal cause of climate change tragedies.  It is the action of clouds and hot water vapor that creates the terrible climatic scourges suffered especially by billions of 3rd World poor.  On occasion. hot, thickened water vapor reacts with cool air in clouds and the Earth's spin to create typhoons that become increasingly stronger as oceanic and atmospheric temperatures rise, especially in the tropics.  The result is destruction of entire tropical regions' painfully built-up buildings, houses, properties, infrastructures, and livelihoods. The Philippines suffers most, at an average 20 typhoons and storms that get stronger each year.  Resultant plains-wide floods and upland landslides combine with 150-200 kph winds to raise casualties to thousand levels each year.  Billions of pesos' worth of consequent State and private property damage thereby help perpetuate mass poverty in the country.
    4. The 3rd world's bottom poor suffer most from global warming.  Worldwide summer droughts, forest and farm kill-offs and giant forest fires brought about by global warming exacerbate mass hunger especially among billions of 3rd World bottom poor.  Upland farms that depend on seasonal rains are the worst sufferers of long droughts, with families sharing just one root crop meal each day.  Drinking water get scarce as upland streams dry up, forcing little kids to cross mountains to get mere jerry cans of water for drinking.  The realities explain why 66 million Elementary level poor (expensive higher education being next to impossible for bottom poor) currently exist in the Philippines alone. 
    How do we address the tragedies?  We use business tools to address the issue, because businesses create wealth which is desired by everyone. We motivate employee and managerial masses and the corporations they work with, as well as governments and all the world's business, political and social organizations to capitalize and lend to corporate joint ventures in the 3rd World that will create high-profit industries that use clean and green technologies.  Agro-forestry and ocean fertilization (which enriches fisheries) as well as agribusinesses, clean rural factories, rural infrastructures and power projects (mini hydropower nets, geothermal plants, etc.) and other related projects can generate wealth in trillions of 3rd World dollars yearly in perpetuity.  The perpetual nature of such wealth-making as world habit will ensure that all involved will keep cleaning planet Earth in perpetuity, for everyone desires perpetual income.  You and your friendship nets, being skilled in business and now aware of your redemptive powers, just have to lead! 
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